- Fixing my oldest daughter’s 1st grade teachers old iMac. Making progress! #
- ShiftEdit has moved to GoGrid as a hosting solution. I’m going to dig into ShiftEdit’s product a bit “on-the-spot live blogging” Interes … #
- I got an invite to UserVoice: http://ping.fm/A9Ld4 . Will be evaluating over the next day or so. #
- Photoshop Express is about 2 years to late, IMHO. But I will give it a try. Might be a great solution for some. #
- Ok, I just gave Photoshop Express a whirl. It’s pretty good. Built on Flash. Will give Picassa/Flickr some competition. #
- Testing out UserVoice now. Looks like Digg/Pligg meshed with GetSatisfaction! http://ping.fm/zShPH #
- @TechCrunch Totally agree with you there! If Twhirl coudl only hook into some of the others (inbound) it would be the killer app. #
- 1 blog post down, 1more to go. Fun with title “Your GoGrid is all false advertising” http://ping.fm/8hrFy #
- If anyone wants $100 off a GoGrid account (http://ping.fm/vqIlw), message me by 3/31/08. #
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