Twitter Updates for 2008-03-27

Just integrated Jaiku to my Now need to integrate with all the others…grumble. # Had fun last night with my middle daughter at “Pizza with Pop”. Amazingly well organized by kindergarten teacher! # Why can’t someone develop a trillian-like app that integrates all the social messaging apps. Social overload!…

Written By
Michael Sheehan
Published On
March 27, 2008
  • Just integrated Jaiku to my Now need to integrate with all the others…grumble. #
  • Had fun last night with my middle daughter at “Pizza with Pop”. Amazingly well organized by kindergarten teacher! #
  • Why can’t someone develop a trillian-like app that integrates all the social messaging apps. Social overload! #
  • Does anyone have UserVoice invites to private beta? Looks interesting. #
  • Why is the facebook UI so contricted? We all have monitors that can display more than 800×600. Gonna chew off my leg… #
  • Just heard some stellar feedback on GoGrid. Loved the opening line claiming “false advertising” but went on to say that it did much more! #
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