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An Apple “Beta” Is Exactly That, A Beta! (20+ Tips
If you are installing or planning to install Apple iOS & macOS beta software, you need to be prepared. Tips, tricks, and advice when installing these betas.
Setapp – the Netflix of Mac Applications Gives You Access
Review of Setapp, a new subscription service where you pay a monthly fee to have access to a variety of premium Mac applications.
OneDrive Sync Issues? How To Reset OneDrive for Mac the
Have issues with Microsoft OneDrive for Mac? Sometimes you need to reset OneDrive to fix it. Here is the easy way to reset OneDrive.
Parents & Kids – Set Up Emergency Bypass on your
For parents & kids, it's critical to be able to connect via calls or texting. Setting up Emergency Bypass on iOS10 lets you get around "do not disturb."
Want those New Snazzy iOS 10 iMessage Backgrounds & Effects?
If you want those exciting and snazzy iMessage backgrounds and effects, you need to make sure you have one setting disabled. Here is how to do it.
Kids Like Minecraft? Do They Want To Learn To Code?
Looking for a week-long, day camp for Minecraft addicts that teaches coding as well? Check out Connected Camps "Online Summer of Minecraft"!
MALWARE WARNING: EMAILDOMAIN plus “_contract.doc” has a Malicious Word Macro
Warning about a malicious Word macro that comes as an email attachment with "_contract.doc" as part of the file name. Also contains analysis about threat.
How To Fix MacOS Sierra Beta Blank Screen & Crash
How to fix a MacBook Pro 15" Retina running MacOS Sierra (10.12) beta that has issues waking from sleeping - crashes or kernel panics or blanks screens.
A Backyard Conversation: Cord-Cutting Couldn’t Be Easier with Sling TV
How Sling TV enables the easy process of cord-cutting as explained to a neighbor. Touting the benefits of taking back TV #TakeBackTV