
Blackberry 7100t sync issues resolved

My wife has as Blackberry 7100t and the other day, it just “stopped” synching with the Desktop Manager (4.1). Basically, it would connect and then

Way behind on my posts

Just been way to busy. Here are some highlights of things that I have done: Update my activeCollab site to the latest Release Candidate Fixed

Fun with PHPSurveyor v1.08a2

I’m finally getting back to testing out other opensource software. I just installed the latest version of PHPSurveyor (1.08a2) and ran into some .htaccess madness.

Cookie Monster killed my Safari

Over the past few days, I had been having issues with Safari simply crashing every time that I launched it. No matter what I did

Fun with OpenSource

Some interesting opensource items that I have been playing with: JitterBit Integration Server – pretty nice stand alone integration server with various types of hooks