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The Dexim BluePack S3 & S8 – A Portable Battery
I've reviewed quite a few battery packs lately. It seems that this is the hot market currently just the way iPod cases were to iPods a few years ago. You…
Are You Prepared for Disasters? The Cast of Dads Discuss
With the recent tragic disasters striking around the globe recently, when the Cast of Dads got together to record Episode #11, we spent a majority of the show talking about…
Aaxa P2 Pico Projector Shoots a Big Bright Picture from
A few months ago, I reviewed the WowWee Cinemin Swivel pico projector. It was the first pico projector that I had tried out and put down a pretty high standard.…
Conquer the Wind & Rain with the Uniquely Designed SENZ
Bring on the sideways rain! I'm even ready for a mini-hurricane to come blowing down the street and try to take my umbrella, rip it up and destroy it! In…
How Can Such a Small Speaker Boom so HUGE? Reviewing
When I first hooked up the iLive IT319B 3.1 Channel Home Music System, plugged in my iPod and turned up the volume a bit, I was literally floored at how…
Cell Phones, Tweens, Texting & Conversations – Child & Family
If you are a parent of a tween (a pre-teenager), you have probably hit the stage of your child wanting a cell phone. My wife and I broke down (or…
The Neat Company Gets Your Receipt Pile Under Control &
I must admit, I am WAY behind on writing about The Neat Company, NeatCo, for short. I received some of their products last year to do an "extended" review of…
HyperMac Dazzles with Vibrant Colored Battery Assortment to Charge iPods,
A few months ago, I did a review of a HyperMac battery for charging and powering MacBooks, MacBook Airs and MacBook Pros. I found it to be an extremely useful…
Charge Your Gadgets Even When the Power is Out with
I spent a few hours at the MacWorld Expo 2010 and I saw a lot of innovative and cool products. But many of those devices were really only the "nice…