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A Tradeshow or On-The-Go Savior – Mophie Juice Pack Air
I am writing this review on day three of an expo. One of the biggest issues with going to any type of a trade show or traveling or simply being…
The Next Generation of Home Alarm Systems – &
When you first move into a house, one thing that you should first consider is a home alarm system. Often, various companies will have special deals for new homeowners and…
Get Beyond those Home Video Style Webcams & Move to
Let's face it, when you buy a laptop, you don't usually think about the built-in webcam. But if you look at many of the laptops out there, you will see…
Calculating Speeds of Objects On The Go with Pocket Radar
A few months ago I received a really cool and pretty useful gadget. About the size of a cell phone or a compact camera, the Pocket Radar is a nice…
Make Your iPhone 4 Suck Power Longer with the Exolife
My iPhone sucks! Well, it doesn't actually suck in general, it sucks power like a sponge does water. Of course, I have practically every service running (e.g., location, push notifications,…
Blazing New Trails with the TomTom XL 340S GPS
Earlier this summer, my family and I headed out on a week long family vacation up to a Dude Ranch in Northern California. As part of the trip, we had…
Hey Brands & PR Agencies – Dads are Different than
When I started blogging about 5 years ago, I had no idea what direction it would take me, nor what type of success or lack there of it would have.…
Parallels 6 is Some Serious Tech Mojo for Mac Virtualization
I was lucky enough to get early access to the new release of Parallels (version 6). To put it bluntly, I was and still am impressed. Let's face it, virtualization…
Intel Inside the Classroom with the Classmate PC – a
A few months ago, I had the pleasure of attending the Intel “Upgrade Your Life” Summit up at the Intel Campus in Oregon. During this day long event, the attendees…