Tech News: Twitter DM Spam, Facebook Stock, Kindle OS Update & Cheap HDTVs

More fresh Technology News for you on this day before Thanksgiving (and my wife’s 40th birthday). The Tech News just doesn’t rest, does it! Here are things that are hot right now: WARNING: New Twitter DM Spam Attack – “Uh oh. It looks as if Twitter is being plagued by…

More fresh Technology News for you on this day before Thanksgiving (and my wife’s 40th birthday). The Tech News just doesn’t rest, does it! Here are things that are hot right now:

  • WARNING: New Twitter DM Spam Attack – “Uh oh. It looks as if Twitter is being plagued by another DM spam attack. We’ve received a few ourselves, and plenty of Twitter users are taking to the medium to express that they too have received inordinate amounts of spam messages via direct messages.” (source: Mashable) HTD: One of these days, either Twitter will lock things down or Twitter users will get wise to how to know not to click on certain links. Just stay away from Direct Messages from people you don’t know about. This one says “hi, did you do this quiz thingy” and is followed by a URL. Don’t click through. If you think you have been hacked, be sure to change your password.
  • Facebook Will Form 2 Classes of Stock – “Facebook is taking a rudimentary step down the path to becoming a public company. The company said on Tuesday that it was creating a dual-class stock structure for itself, and converting all of its current shares into so-called Class B shares, which will have 10 votes each on matters of corporate governance.” (source: New York Times) HTD: So this is yesterday’s news, and with Social Media, it’s really old by now. But still this is an important step not only for Facebook, but also for other Tech and Social Media companies. Twitter could be next potentially. I think the Tech sector is starting a good recovery (this time the slump wasn’t our fault) and I think 2010 will be a good year for Tech stocks!
  • Kindle 2.3 software update available, generation 1 owners need not apply – “We gadget nerds have to endure unspeakable atrocities in order to slake that early adoption jones: first-run gear shipped DOA, buggy pre-release software, and months of waiting after a product leaks only to be greeted by a jacked-up price premium at launch.” (source: Engadget) HTD: I have played with the Kindle 1, Kindle 2 and Sony eBook reader and am on the reviewer waitlist for the B&N Nook. eBook readers will be skyrocketing in popularity next year but it will be a splintered market as Amazon gets some competition. Openness will be key, and this is part of the reason why the 2.3 update includes the ability to have native PDF support. But they have a ways to go before it is much more open like other readers on the market.
  • HDTVs for the Holidays: No Bad Time to Buy – “Steep price declines over the past year plus the usual Black Friday madness make this a good time to buy–but even if you wait, you’re apt to find great deals throughout the holiday season.” (source: PCWorld) HTD: I’m simply amazed at the low price and high quality of displays now. About 6 years ago, I got a 61″ Samsung DLP (no HDMI, only DVI input) and for what I paid for it, I could get quite a LCD HDTV for almost every room in the house. The Sammy is still going strong but I have also been testing a Sony BRAVIA. The tech difference between the two is amazing (especially with Internet connectivity on the Sony). Some new regulations are coming for California regarding energy consumption so expect changes in various state-regulated markets next year too.

As tomorrow is Thanksgiving in the US, my tech updates might be a bit sporadic at best. But I will do my best to get any news out that I think is important.

HTD says: Help the economy and get some tech gadgets this week.

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