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How To Fix Applications Crashing After Upgrading to Apple iOS5
The upgrade to Apple's iOS 5 is a few weeks behind us now and most people are up and running on it. And, now the iPhone 4S is out in…
iOS 5 Tips: Cell Data for Purchases, Custom Vibrations and
Last week I talked about a few new tidbits and tricks in Apple's new version of its mobile operating system, iOS 5 (enable Emoji keyboard, get the camera button to…
iOS 5 Tip: How to Enable the “Smiley” Emoticon or
Here is another great (and fun) feature that is buried deep within iOS 5 for the iPhone and iPad. And, when I showed this to my daughters, they were SO…
iOS 5 Tip: How to Launch the New Built-in Dictionary
I keep uncovering lots of little surprises in Apple's new iOS 5 software released this week for the iPhone & iPad. Yesterday, it was the activation of the camera button…
iOS 5 Tip: How To Activate the Camera Button on
With iOS 5 for the iPhone launching yesterday, there are a flurry of new features that are coming to light. There has been plenty of coverage of these but I thought…
D-Link DIR-655 Xtreme N Gigabit Wireless Router – Advanced Configurations
I love WiFi routers. I'm not sure why. But I have about 3 or 4 of them running in my house. Some are providing WiFi networks for all of the…
Waging War on Pollen, Dust, Bacteria, Mold, Germs & More
Sneezing, coughing and runny noses as night. Itchy eyes with tears being squeezed out. My daughters have had allergies all spring and summer and it was particularly worse this year…
A Tablet for Babies? The VINCI Tablet Gives Toddlers a
A few weeks ago I received a pre-production version of a new tablet targeted toward children ages 2-4 or so called the "VINCI Tab". I had been dying to review…
The Schizophrenia that is Netflix…er…Qwikster…uh…Netster…QwikFlix?
I have been a Netflix user for many many years. My account says 2007 but I actually started my service before that time, stopped and then restarted it. My family…