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I’m Writing Tech News for You to Steal
Yes, you read the title correctly, I am writing tech news articles for you to take, use and put your own name on, and photos and videos as well. Long…
When is a Tablet Not a Tablet? When It’s A
I have had my fair share of experience with a variety of tablets ranging from iPads to Samsung 10.1 tablets to a Sony and even a Blackberry Playbook. It seems…
HighTechDad’s Father’s Day 2012 Reviewed Gift Buying Guide
Rev up those Father's Day gift engines, it's that time of year again! Yeah, I'm a bit late in getting together my list of products that you might want to…
Understanding Cloud Security and Mobile Platforms on Digital Nibbles Podcast
You really should track your digital devices, at least according to Ken Westin who is the founder of GadgetTrak. I actually agree with that. In fact, I have been using…
Guest on Intel’s Digital Nibbles Podcast – Talking about Consumer
Recently, I was invited to be a guest on a podcast (sponsored by Intel) called Digital Nibbles and the topic was Consumer Clouds. Digital Nibbles is a podcast that discusses…
I’m an Ultrabook Fan – the Speed, Weight, Performance &
Remember when netbooks were the "next big thing"? A few years ago, everyone wanted one of these small, compact and seemingly essential computers. But after a few years, the fog…
Ultra Giveaway! Win an Ultrabook from Some #UltrabookDads!
I'm going to keep this short and sweet since I have already written a bit about Ultrabooks and I'm going to be talking about them more in the coming weeks. So…
I’ve Become an Ultrabook Dad!
I'm a dad who loves gadgets. That's part of the reason why I have this site is so that I can share this love and hopefully provide insights and understanding…
Energy Conservation & Caring for the Elderly – 2 Topics
A few weeks ago, I participated in the Intel "Upgrade Your Life" 2011 summit in Intel's Santa Clara, CA campus. This was the second year I attended and after both…