iPhone: TechDadBlog now optimized for iPhone with automatic theme!

For all of you new iPhone and iTouch users out there, this blog has been updated with a new theme (yes ANOTHER theme) that is specifically optimized for viewing on an iPhone or iTouch. Those people who are viewing through a computer browser will continue to see my black/red theme…

Written By
Michael Sheehan
Published On
September 18, 2007

For all of you new iPhone and iTouch users out there, this blog has been updated with a new theme (yes ANOTHER theme) that is specifically optimized for viewing on an iPhone or iTouch. Those people who are viewing through a computer browser will continue to see my black/red theme but readers who have one of those great new Apple gadgets will see a completely new look and feel!

What do you have to do to see the new theme from an iPhone? Nothing but browse to this site using it. My WordPress automatically detects the “user agent” of your browser and switches themes “automagically.”

I cannot take any credit for any of the coding here…all of the work is done by a plugin and theme created by Content.Robot. You can see more information about the theme/plugin here. 

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HTD says: I love how the iPhone is shaping the direction of the web!

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