iPhone: Good Special Report on iPhone apps, features, unlocking, jailbreaking, etc. at iPhoneAtlas.com

There is a great post on iPhoneAtlas.com by Ben Wilson that summarizes in good detail items related to Native Apps, Unlocking, Unbricking and other Troubleshooting tips. Some things listed out there include: New Features (Documented and Undocumented) How to put 3rd Party Apps on 1.1.1 Firmware iPhones How to downgrade…

Written By
Michael Sheehan
Published On
October 24, 2007

There is a great post on iPhoneAtlas.com by Ben Wilson that summarizes in good detail items related to Native Apps, Unlocking, Unbricking and other Troubleshooting tips.

iPhoneAtlas & iPhone

Some things listed out there include:

  • New Features (Documented and Undocumented)
  • How to put 3rd Party Apps on 1.1.1 Firmware iPhones
  • How to downgrade your iPhone from 1.1.1 to 1.0.2
  • Unlocking/Unbricking 1.1.1 iPhones
  • Troubleshooting (battery life, Safari crashes, SIM card issues, and restoration without using 1.1.1 firmware)

As an avid iPhoneAtlas reader, I recommend that you check out the article here. I frequently use information there to help guide me in many of my endeavors here on TechDadBlog (but you may find some things here that don’t necessarily show on iPhoneAtlas like this post).

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HTD says: Give this article a read, especially if you need help with firmware 1.1.1!

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