iPhone: Experiences and Recommendations for Jailbreaking the 1.1.1 Firmware…not for the weak!

Update #2 on 10.15.07 @ 11:25 AM PST – iNdependence download link updated to 1.2.2. Note warning from developer. 

Update #1 on 10.13.07 @ 11:12 AM PST – new links for instructions; further clarification on items

Yesterday there were a flurry of announcements around the successful creation of various ways to Jailbreak iPhones that have firmware 1.1.1 installed. And, yesterday, I vowed to hold off for a while before I attempted it myself. I guess for me, “a while” is about 12 hours (grin). There were a couple of different sources that I found with fairly good information. iPhoneAtlas had one, Engadget had a few, one with the TIFF exploit, and iPhoneAlley had one.

Update: Here is another good source for instructions. I have not tried these but I HAVE scanned through them and they look like they are more designed towards Windows users. However. the moving (versus copying) of the media is better, I think, than the Trip2Prepz application (see more details below). There is ANOTHER good set of instructions at iPhoneHacks.com listed here.


First a big disclaimer. This is NOT for the weak hearted, nor for someone that doesn’t know something about SSH, Linux commands, FTP and thinking outside of the box. If you screw up your iPhone, it is your own fault, not mine, nor anyone that I might reference here.

Do at your own risk!


First some info. My experience started out ok, following the steps, but then drastically diverted from those steps as I ran into all sorts of complications and issues. It got really scary, really quickly! What follow are my recommendations. They might or might not work for you.

I started with the instructions from iPhoneAtlas. I recommend downloading the package that they reference, namely:


Save that file away. I created a specific directory to for all of the 1.1.1 firmware.

Be sure that you get a copy of the Firmware 1.0.2 from Apple and have that handy. It is located here:

Restore Firmware 1.0.2

Then be sure to get the latest version of AppTapp insaller. The version that I used was 3.1.

Installer.app ver. 3.1

Be sure to download iNdependence as you will need it to install SSH on your iPhone the “easy” way. I have updated the link to version 1.2.2 released on 10/15. Note from developers:

Please note that if you have used anySIM or other free SIM unlocking solutions (anything except for the iPhoneSimFree solution), and you upgrade to 1.1.1, it will wipe out the SIM unlock and render the phone and text message part of your phone inoperable. Everything else will work though.

iNdependence 1.2.2 [updated]

Get a good FTP server that can do secure FTP. The recommendation is Cyberduck (which worked great for me).

Cyberduck 2.8

That should be all of the files that you need, I believe. Keep them all in a directory so that you have easy access.


I will NOT go into the steps that I took, mainly because I had to do it TWICE and each time it was DIFFERENT. What I WILL do is offer some pointers and tips that may help you get through this process…for me, it wasn’t pretty.

There are 2 sources that I used for my instructions. The first was a 10 page (printed) document that is contained in the 1.1.1-jailbreak.zip package called “README” (aka “Doc1”). The second was the iPhoneAlley article (aka “Doc2”). What I ended up doing is using sections from each one.

Downgrading the firmware

So, to start, you can use Doc1 or Doc2 to do the first step of Downgrading to 1.0.2 Firmware. I tried both and the steps are pretty similar.

Note: I would recommend unchecking the synching of all of your media (e.g., music, podcasts and video). Also be sure you download all of your Photos because you might lose them. Then be sure to sync again without your media. The process goes faster if you use Trip2Prepz application that is listed in many of the instruction.

Just some things that I ran into. The error that you will probably see is “Unknown Error 1013”. Both steps talked about using the Trip1Prepz application to create the Symbolic link (Symlink). I had an issue with this part and almost had to do it the manual way (as listed in Step 1 in Doc1). What happened with me was that the installation of Trip1Prepz froze at about 15-20% done. This happened to me many many times. I read on the iPhoneAlley forum that the same thing had happened to someone else, but no one had responded. I figured out how to get it to work. The thing that I did WRONG was not disconnect from iTunes when I ran the Trip1Prepz installer. When disconnected from iTunes, the installation went very fast.

The reason this is taking so long using Trip2Prepz is because this process is COPYING the media directory instead of MOVING it. Perhaps that application will be updated to do a MV command. So, while I haven’t tried this, just let it work through copying. However, if you have removed all of your media from your iPhone, it will go MUCH faster. That is what I would recommend.

Also, you might want to use the SSH commands listed in the fiveforty.net iPhone Dev Wiki – source #3 added today – instead of using Trip2Prepz application.

Another strange thing that happened during the install process was that when the iPhone connected to iTunes at this point, it suddenly didn’t show the full storage capacity of my iPhone (4 gigs) but rather, only 300 MB of which most of it was used. This happened to me twice actually and to a friend of mine (as well as appearing on the forums). Let me tell you now, this is EXPECTED BEHAVIOR and will show the proper amount at the end of the road (unless you had the strange experience that I had which I will explain at the end).

Doing the Update

Either Doc1 (Step #2) or Doc2 (Step #4) work fine for this. No issue here except DON’T click Restore, click Update. (Note that in Doc2, it says Upgrade and not Update…that is a typo.)

Forcing Read-Write/Jailbreaking

With this step, I actually preferred and liked the steps listed in Doc1 more than Doc2. Mainly because of the iphuc-jailbreak files. I had tried the ones in Doc2 but it didn’t want to work very well. So, do the one in Doc1. If you know nothing about using the Terminal app on a Mac, here is a little tip. You need to run the commands from in the directory where they are listed. The easiest way to change to that directory is to do this, in terminal, type “cd” and then drag the folder that contains the iPHUC-jailbreak apps onto the terminal. It will automatically paste in the path to that directory. Saves you a bit of time. Stick to the steps in Doc1.

Installing SSH

Doc1’s approach was pretty complicated so I elected to go with Doc2 and using iNdependence. Follow step 6 in Doc2 and things will work fine. One thing first…in order to get the IP address of your iPhone, the easiest way to do that is to be sure that you are connected to a WiFi network. Then get on your iPhone (or your wireless router) and get its IP address. You will need this IP address for the SSH-ing. Also, another tip, if you need to delete your “known_hosts” file, you need to get into Terminal again and type this: “cd /Users/yourusername/.ssh/” and then type “ls” to see if the fiel “known_hosts” exists. If it does, then type “rm known_hosts” and that will delete the file. Also, if you still have issues with SSH complaining about a connection, restart your your iphone and reconnect to your Mac.

Installing AppTapp

Again, I stuck to Doc2 for this part. It made the most sense and just worked. It actually was pretty neat to see how you can execute a command via SSH and launch things on your iPhone. Anyway, once that was done, I was golden, with a Jailbroken 1.1.1 iPhone…or so I thought.


The first time I did this process, it took about 1.5 hours. I had a lot of different issues which is part of the reason why I bounced back and forth between different instructions. If anyone has issues, feel free to leave a comment and I will see if I had a solution or not.

But there ware another interesting thing that showed up after my first time through that caused me to do it again. When I reconnected the “final product” to iTunes, there was over 1 gig of space being used by “Other”. I had turned off the synching of photos, music, podcasts and video and had checked to make sure that I had deleted all deleted email and had the calendar set to only “go back 30 days” (these were recommendations that others had made to make the Other space go down). Unfortunately this did not help.

So, I decided to go through the entire process again, mainly because I thought I had made a mistake. After going through it again, my 1 gig of “Other” space had disappeared. Great! But then I started noticing some other things. Preferences were not complete (e.g., like some of my email prefs)…but this was not the only strange things. After the first time through, I noticed that many of my 3rd party apps had “remembered” my settings, which I thought was strange. The second time through, those 3rd party apps “forgot” my previous settings and some of my other settings were gone.

What do I make of this? I think that either I messed up in the initial install, or somehow there was some legacy information left behind…1 gig worth in my case. I found it interesting that after upgrading from 1.0.2 to 1.1.1 previously (no Jailbreak), my login image (desktop image) stayed. It was set using a 3rd Party app. This picture remained there until my 2nd install and then it was reset to the default Earth.


Well, thanks for reading through this. Hope it may have helped you. It was another one of those sweaty palm experiences but in the end, for me, quite successful. REMEMBER, doing anything here can seriously mess up your iPhone and potentially brick it. You assume the risk. Apple doesn’t condone it and I post it here purely for “educational” purposes.

Post back your experiences and questions!


HTD says: This was NOT an easy one…but I’m back with my 3rd Party Apps!,

118 Responses

  1. Can I make calls using my normal l Cingular sim (without iPhone plan) ?? Pl confirm, its a lil confusingg!!



  2. Can I make calls using my normal l Cingular sim (without iPhone plan) ?? Pl confirm, its a lil confusingg!!



  3. @ kkiran,

    I’m not sure I completely understand your question. Did you have an ATT SIM with your iPhone purchase? You should have. And yes, I think there is a special plan with ATT that is for the iPhone. Your best bet is to talk to ATT/Cingular for SIM questions.
    Good luck!

  4. @ kkiran,

    I’m not sure I completely understand your question. Did you have an ATT SIM with your iPhone purchase? You should have. And yes, I think there is a special plan with ATT that is for the iPhone. Your best bet is to talk to ATT/Cingular for SIM questions.
    Good luck!

  5. What I think the previous commenter and I are curious about, is the line in the hackintosh forums that claims that calls cannot be made after using this method.

    Now, obviously, it’s understandable that this does not unlock your phone so that you can use any SIM card in it.

    What is NOT clear, however, is that if you have a locked phone, that has never been unlocked (ie. the baseband has never been messed with or flashed or anythying), and of course you’re using an AT&T SIM card with your AT&T account that you got with the phone, and you follow this method, will you still be able to make phone calls when you’re done? Or will this somehow make your phone unusable?

    The reason this is so unclear, I think, is that the vast majority of people jumping on this solution are people who have unlocked their phones, and so they are not reporting that they can make phone calls, since this does nothing in the arena of unlocking phones.

    So, any idea if those of us with locked phones and who just want 3rd party apps, can follow this guide and still be able to make phone calls?

  6. What I think the previous commenter and I are curious about, is the line in the hackintosh forums that claims that calls cannot be made after using this method.

    Now, obviously, it’s understandable that this does not unlock your phone so that you can use any SIM card in it.

    What is NOT clear, however, is that if you have a locked phone, that has never been unlocked (ie. the baseband has never been messed with or flashed or anythying), and of course you’re using an AT&T SIM card with your AT&T account that you got with the phone, and you follow this method, will you still be able to make phone calls when you’re done? Or will this somehow make your phone unusable?

    The reason this is so unclear, I think, is that the vast majority of people jumping on this solution are people who have unlocked their phones, and so they are not reporting that they can make phone calls, since this does nothing in the arena of unlocking phones.

    So, any idea if those of us with locked phones and who just want 3rd party apps, can follow this guide and still be able to make phone calls?

  7. @ Chris,

    I think that I understand the question now. First, not familiar with the line in Hackint0sh but I will look for it (feel free to post back there if you need to and reference this post).

    I have NEVER unlocked my phone. I have no need to. I’m an ATT customer. My phone has never been unlocked, only Jailbroken with earlier versions.

    In terms of the phone working after doing this process, yes, it is fine. I have done inbound and outbound calls yesterday and today. Since this process really has nothing to do with the phone “modem” and only with how the OS sees things, it really shouldn’t have any effect on how the phone portion works.

    However, I don’t know the results if you have unlocked and relocked (since there are methods now, I guess, to do this). Nor how this process works on unlocked phones that are at 1.0.2 and someone is trying to move to 1.1.1. That is a different beast altogether.

    Hope that answers your question. LMK.


  8. @ Chris,

    I think that I understand the question now. First, not familiar with the line in Hackint0sh but I will look for it (feel free to post back there if you need to and reference this post).

    I have NEVER unlocked my phone. I have no need to. I’m an ATT customer. My phone has never been unlocked, only Jailbroken with earlier versions.

    In terms of the phone working after doing this process, yes, it is fine. I have done inbound and outbound calls yesterday and today. Since this process really has nothing to do with the phone “modem” and only with how the OS sees things, it really shouldn’t have any effect on how the phone portion works.

    However, I don’t know the results if you have unlocked and relocked (since there are methods now, I guess, to do this). Nor how this process works on unlocked phones that are at 1.0.2 and someone is trying to move to 1.1.1. That is a different beast altogether.

    Hope that answers your question. LMK.


  9. Hi- just to clear up a few things; the iTunes sync process ALSO backs up any preferences plist store on the phone, so this explain why may reinstalled apps picked up where they left off.

    I am also using a Cingular non-iPhone SIM in my phone and as I understand it, you should be able to call/receive after the jailbreak if you do the optional ‘lockdownd’ reversion procedure.

    I am not 100% sure, as I am going to attempt the whole shebang a second time, noting that I was able to succesfully revert to a working 1.0.2 phone with my pre-iphone Cingular SIM

  10. Hi- just to clear up a few things; the iTunes sync process ALSO backs up any preferences plist store on the phone, so this explain why may reinstalled apps picked up where they left off.

    I am also using a Cingular non-iPhone SIM in my phone and as I understand it, you should be able to call/receive after the jailbreak if you do the optional ‘lockdownd’ reversion procedure.

    I am not 100% sure, as I am going to attempt the whole shebang a second time, noting that I was able to succesfully revert to a working 1.0.2 phone with my pre-iphone Cingular SIM

  11. Thanks Michael, that’s what I needed to hear, now if only I could get the Trip1Prepz to install without locking up at 15% (I’ve never been connected to iTunes when trying to install it, so unfortunately, your tip about disconnecting doesn’t help me).

    There does seem to be a better method for Windows users posted here on the wiki: http://iphone.fiveforty.net/wiki/index.php/Jailbreak_1.1.1 so I think I’ll give that a try.

  12. Thanks Michael, that’s what I needed to hear, now if only I could get the Trip1Prepz to install without locking up at 15% (I’ve never been connected to iTunes when trying to install it, so unfortunately, your tip about disconnecting doesn’t help me).

    There does seem to be a better method for Windows users posted here on the wiki: http://iphone.fiveforty.net/wiki/index.php/Jailbreak_1.1.1 so I think I’ll give that a try.

  13. @ Vaughn

    Thanks for the clarification regarding iTunes and preferences that are backed up. That makes some sense, but what doesn’t make sense was the 1.x Gig size of other space that mysteriously was created and then removed the second time around. I had a friend have the same thing happen but his was like 1.3 gigs. Doing it a second time through erased it though. I wonder what is going on.

    I am not familiar with the optional “lockdown” procedure that you are talking about. But from the name of it, it seems to do more with locking/unlocking than jailbreaking. Again, I don’t know how non-iPhone/ATT sims work (e.g., Cingular SIMs), but I would “guess” that the would work fine…it’s the same network, supposedly.

    Let me know how it goes.

    @ Chris P.

    Hope it works for you. Did you try fully disconnecting you iPhone from your computer? That was the thing that did it for me. I think there was still a connection going one even though I didn’t have iTunes running. You could also try restarting your iPhone when it is disconnected from your Mac.

    Let me know if it works!


  14. @ Vaughn

    Thanks for the clarification regarding iTunes and preferences that are backed up. That makes some sense, but what doesn’t make sense was the 1.x Gig size of other space that mysteriously was created and then removed the second time around. I had a friend have the same thing happen but his was like 1.3 gigs. Doing it a second time through erased it though. I wonder what is going on.

    I am not familiar with the optional “lockdown” procedure that you are talking about. But from the name of it, it seems to do more with locking/unlocking than jailbreaking. Again, I don’t know how non-iPhone/ATT sims work (e.g., Cingular SIMs), but I would “guess” that the would work fine…it’s the same network, supposedly.

    Let me know how it goes.

    @ Chris P.

    Hope it works for you. Did you try fully disconnecting you iPhone from your computer? That was the thing that did it for me. I think there was still a connection going one even though I didn’t have iTunes running. You could also try restarting your iPhone when it is disconnected from your Mac.

    Let me know if it works!


  15. Michael my phone was never connected to the computer while running that installer, as I said earlier.

    Anyway, I got it all sorted out last night with the instructions from the wiki that I linked in my second comment. Those instructions are actually made for windows users. They don’t bother with using Trip1Prepz, as it’s completely unnecessary.

    From what I can tell from doing it manually, the orange space is your library of music, after it’s been moved from Media to Media.old. Trip1Prepz moves it to MediaBackup, and it seems to do it via a copy instead of a move. That explains why it takes so long (the mv command doesn’t have to duplicate the data, a copy command does), as well as why people run out of space while doing it.

    My advice to people who want to use the Trip1Prepz method? Empty all your media and podcasts off the iPhone first, that way Trip1Prepz will have less to copy and should install faster. I didn’t test it though, I gave up and used the much better wiki instructions at http://iphone.fiveforty.net/wiki/index.php/Jailbreak_1.1.1

  16. Michael my phone was never connected to the computer while running that installer, as I said earlier.

    Anyway, I got it all sorted out last night with the instructions from the wiki that I linked in my second comment. Those instructions are actually made for windows users. They don’t bother with using Trip1Prepz, as it’s completely unnecessary.

    From what I can tell from doing it manually, the orange space is your library of music, after it’s been moved from Media to Media.old. Trip1Prepz moves it to MediaBackup, and it seems to do it via a copy instead of a move. That explains why it takes so long (the mv command doesn’t have to duplicate the data, a copy command does), as well as why people run out of space while doing it.

    My advice to people who want to use the Trip1Prepz method? Empty all your media and podcasts off the iPhone first, that way Trip1Prepz will have less to copy and should install faster. I didn’t test it though, I gave up and used the much better wiki instructions at http://iphone.fiveforty.net/wiki/index.php/Jailbreak_1.1.1

  17. I had the same experiences as you Michael. Thanks to your guide, I ended up with this extra 1.38gb of weird space I never used before. My advice was to upgrade to 1.1.1 without the hacks, downgrade to 1.0.2, jailbrake, and then the instructions found http://www.iphonealley.com/news/iphone-v1-1-1-jailbreak-apptapp-installation-guide

    A bit more effort, but the louder earpiece and speakerphone was worth the time spent figuring this out.

    You can find a rundown of what I did here: http://blog.monkeykit.com/2007/10/13/confessions-from-a-iphone-102-with-jailbrake-from-111-jailbrake/

    Good Day!

  18. I had the same experiences as you Michael. Thanks to your guide, I ended up with this extra 1.38gb of weird space I never used before. My advice was to upgrade to 1.1.1 without the hacks, downgrade to 1.0.2, jailbrake, and then the instructions found http://www.iphonealley.com/news/iphone-v1-1-1-jailbreak-apptapp-installation-guide

    A bit more effort, but the louder earpiece and speakerphone was worth the time spent figuring this out.

    You can find a rundown of what I did here: http://blog.monkeykit.com/2007/10/13/confessions-from-a-iphone-102-with-jailbrake-from-111-jailbrake/

    Good Day!

  19. Aw man, everything was jailbreaked and 1.1.1 and up and running except I had the missing storage issue you mentioned might happen. It did not clear after multiple reboots and connections to itunes, each time it showed me total storage available was 300MB. I think I needed to have connected and activated through iTunes earlier in the sequence. I’ll try again later.

    And thank you nevertheless for this post, which illuminated many an issue I found unclear or confusing.

  20. Aw man, everything was jailbreaked and 1.1.1 and up and running except I had the missing storage issue you mentioned might happen. It did not clear after multiple reboots and connections to itunes, each time it showed me total storage available was 300MB. I think I needed to have connected and activated through iTunes earlier in the sequence. I’ll try again later.

    And thank you nevertheless for this post, which illuminated many an issue I found unclear or confusing.

  21. @ Chris,

    Ok. That now makes perfect sense. Doing a COPY instead of a MOVE will make it seem like the Trip2Prepz is “not installing”. What is going on, I guess, is that the gigs of music/photos/movies and such are being copied to a different directory. I think that would also explain why it seems like the installer hangs. I personally didn’t have the patience to let it complete. Also, when I saw that I “ran out of space” (e.g., the 300MB stuff), I turned of the synching of my music. Thus, when I ran the Trip2Prepz again, it didn’t have to copy my Music and thus did it much faster.

    The author of Trip2Prepz should probably change the command to MV.

    I do appreciate your feedback here. I will be modifying my original blog post to reflect some of your (and other) suggestions. THANKS!

    @ Boris

    It looks like you probably used the Trip2Prepz method as well, which probably shows why you lost so much space. You could try it again by not syncing your media and using the MV commands instead of how Trip2Prepz copies everything.
    LMK how it goes.


  22. @ Chris,

    Ok. That now makes perfect sense. Doing a COPY instead of a MOVE will make it seem like the Trip2Prepz is “not installing”. What is going on, I guess, is that the gigs of music/photos/movies and such are being copied to a different directory. I think that would also explain why it seems like the installer hangs. I personally didn’t have the patience to let it complete. Also, when I saw that I “ran out of space” (e.g., the 300MB stuff), I turned of the synching of my music. Thus, when I ran the Trip2Prepz again, it didn’t have to copy my Music and thus did it much faster.

    The author of Trip2Prepz should probably change the command to MV.

    I do appreciate your feedback here. I will be modifying my original blog post to reflect some of your (and other) suggestions. THANKS!

    @ Boris

    It looks like you probably used the Trip2Prepz method as well, which probably shows why you lost so much space. You could try it again by not syncing your media and using the MV commands instead of how Trip2Prepz copies everything.
    LMK how it goes.


  23. I got the 300MB capacity problem a few times (I’ve been shuttling between 1.0.2 and 1.1.1; dont ask :) ) and after barking up the wrong tree with a similar issue related to services.plist, I discovered that the capacity issue is related to the Media symlink, if I recall correctly reverting the Media folder to its previous setup fixes this almost immediately (not sure but I think I once saw the ‘about’ panel jump from 300Mb to 7Gb+ without a restart)

  24. I got the 300MB capacity problem a few times (I’ve been shuttling between 1.0.2 and 1.1.1; dont ask :) ) and after barking up the wrong tree with a similar issue related to services.plist, I discovered that the capacity issue is related to the Media symlink, if I recall correctly reverting the Media folder to its previous setup fixes this almost immediately (not sure but I think I once saw the ‘about’ panel jump from 300Mb to 7Gb+ without a restart)

  25. @ Vaughn,

    I think you are right, once you rename the Media folder, I believe things go away. I have to basically do a virtual install in my head now to try to remember my steps and where things changed.


  26. @ Vaughn,

    I think you are right, once you rename the Media folder, I believe things go away. I have to basically do a virtual install in my head now to try to remember my steps and where things changed.


  27. FWIW: Other have reported success dropping a pre-iPhone (e.g. cingular) SIM into stock 1.1.1 units.

    However, my non-iPhone cingular SIM (which works fabulously under 1.0.x and iNdependence) will simply NOT work under the 1.1.1 jailbreak/lockdownd activation scenario.

    Note- my iPhone seems to display the ‘self-healing’ behaviour some iTouch user have reported (deactivation/jailing after restart).

    I’m basically trying 1.1.1 to have access to the international characters- tried grafting the 1.1.1 UIKit onto 1.0.2, word to the wise, it hangs the boot process. Fortunately, I was able to SSH in and revert.

  28. FWIW: Other have reported success dropping a pre-iPhone (e.g. cingular) SIM into stock 1.1.1 units.

    However, my non-iPhone cingular SIM (which works fabulously under 1.0.x and iNdependence) will simply NOT work under the 1.1.1 jailbreak/lockdownd activation scenario.

    Note- my iPhone seems to display the ‘self-healing’ behaviour some iTouch user have reported (deactivation/jailing after restart).

    I’m basically trying 1.1.1 to have access to the international characters- tried grafting the 1.1.1 UIKit onto 1.0.2, word to the wise, it hangs the boot process. Fortunately, I was able to SSH in and revert.

  29. Could someone please confirm if I can use a 1.1.1 iPhone with Cingular accounts (no 2 year contract). This was my first comment too but I din’t get a convincing response. By Cingular a/c I mean that as I am still using the same old Cingular connection, I started using iPhone 1.0.2 by not signing a contract (2yr) and used INdependence to simply Jailbreak and activate the 1.0.2 iPhone for my Cingular a/c.

    Hope I made my question clear this time around : ) Thanks a million!!

  30. Could someone please confirm if I can use a 1.1.1 iPhone with Cingular accounts (no 2 year contract). This was my first comment too but I din’t get a convincing response. By Cingular a/c I mean that as I am still using the same old Cingular connection, I started using iPhone 1.0.2 by not signing a contract (2yr) and used INdependence to simply Jailbreak and activate the 1.0.2 iPhone for my Cingular a/c.

    Hope I made my question clear this time around : ) Thanks a million!!

  31. @KKiran

    Oh, I got your question: Im in the same boat- It does NOT work for me, but could be related to the new-ness of the actual SIM. I may have AT&T move my account to a new SIM to test if time allows.

    Having said that; I have been to 1.1.1 and back to 1.0.2 with no dire effects- meaning, you can try your SIM and revert.

    The reversion process IS kinda scary for the casual user: The iTunes 1.0.2 restore seems to always end up on a 1013 error (but its OK!) and sometimes the phone gets stuck in restore mode (freaky, but running AppTapp fixes this) or shows 300MB (see my notes above for this issue, its the symlink).

    If it works for you, please let me know!

  32. @KKiran

    Oh, I got your question: Im in the same boat- It does NOT work for me, but could be related to the new-ness of the actual SIM. I may have AT&T move my account to a new SIM to test if time allows.

    Having said that; I have been to 1.1.1 and back to 1.0.2 with no dire effects- meaning, you can try your SIM and revert.

    The reversion process IS kinda scary for the casual user: The iTunes 1.0.2 restore seems to always end up on a 1013 error (but its OK!) and sometimes the phone gets stuck in restore mode (freaky, but running AppTapp fixes this) or shows 300MB (see my notes above for this issue, its the symlink).

    If it works for you, please let me know!

  33. I am trying this procedure right now!! Wish me luck guys – I jus hope I can use my old cingular sim :)

  34. I am trying this procedure right now!! Wish me luck guys – I jus hope I can use my old cingular sim :)

  35. Confirmed – Cingular sim works , it was an 8 hour journey, iTunes doesn’t recognise it yet, I can’t see the springboard yet but the phone is working fine (calls only)!! Will update on my blog soon – http://ilikemyiphone.com

  36. Confirmed – Cingular sim works , it was an 8 hour journey, iTunes doesn’t recognise it yet, I can’t see the springboard yet but the phone is working fine (calls only)!! Will update on my blog soon – http://ilikemyiphone.com

  37. Success! You were right about where my error lay, the sym link management.

    Could not have done this without you. Thanks kindly.

  38. Success! You were right about where my error lay, the sym link management.

    Could not have done this without you. Thanks kindly.

  39. I have done it twice already – First time Cingular showed but Activation screen showed too !! (I can recieve / make calls).
    ( I actually forgot to run iAsign the second time ;)

    Second time : I did everything right (I am a very fast learner ;) but at almost the last step, I did a killall springboard which brought me to activate screen :( For sometime, I cold see the iTunes app sitting pretty on my screen but thats it to it!!

    Third time : Doing it right now, will reboot the phone rather than killall apringboard. Wish me luck!!

    14 hour journey still on ( a marathon of sorts)!!

  40. I have done it twice already – First time Cingular showed but Activation screen showed too !! (I can recieve / make calls).
    ( I actually forgot to run iAsign the second time ;)

    Second time : I did everything right (I am a very fast learner ;) but at almost the last step, I did a killall springboard which brought me to activate screen :( For sometime, I cold see the iTunes app sitting pretty on my screen but thats it to it!!

    Third time : Doing it right now, will reboot the phone rather than killall apringboard. Wish me luck!!

    14 hour journey still on ( a marathon of sorts)!!

  41. @ Vaughn,

    Wow, thanks for all of the info! I am a bit interested in this “self-healing” that your iPhone is showing (e.g., similar to the iPod Touch). This is a scary thing. I think that perhaps Apple is trying this out to see if it is a way to prevent Jailbreaking in the future. Perhaps the iPod Touch is a beta environment for this.


    Thanks for the updates as well. 14 hours is a bit crazy. I guess you are like me in that you couldn’t wait till they clean up the process a bit more. Please post back your results (or drop me a note and I can write up your findings). Very odd that your Springboard is not working. I know that Summerboard doesn’t work under 1.1.1 (but Customize has been finally updated to work now).

    @ Boris,

    Your welcome! Glad to hear some POSITIVE feedback on the process. I know some other users that had good results. Just hang in there and carefully step through the process and hopefully you will get there!


  42. @ Vaughn,

    Wow, thanks for all of the info! I am a bit interested in this “self-healing” that your iPhone is showing (e.g., similar to the iPod Touch). This is a scary thing. I think that perhaps Apple is trying this out to see if it is a way to prevent Jailbreaking in the future. Perhaps the iPod Touch is a beta environment for this.


    Thanks for the updates as well. 14 hours is a bit crazy. I guess you are like me in that you couldn’t wait till they clean up the process a bit more. Please post back your results (or drop me a note and I can write up your findings). Very odd that your Springboard is not working. I know that Summerboard doesn’t work under 1.1.1 (but Customize has been finally updated to work now).

    @ Boris,

    Your welcome! Glad to hear some POSITIVE feedback on the process. I know some other users that had good results. Just hang in there and carefully step through the process and hopefully you will get there!


  43. My marathon continues !!

    I tried it number of times now – my iPhone is mimicking Vaughan’s iPhone :) What do they have in common? 1.1.1!!

    I see the iTunes WiFi store and Cingular signal but cannot make a call. Now I rebooted the phone before patching springboard and boom, back to the so called self healing thingy!!

    I was using iPhone Devs procedure so far. Should try something else now.

    @ Vaughan any updates??

  44. My marathon continues !!

    I tried it number of times now – my iPhone is mimicking Vaughan’s iPhone :) What do they have in common? 1.1.1!!

    I see the iTunes WiFi store and Cingular signal but cannot make a call. Now I rebooted the phone before patching springboard and boom, back to the so called self healing thingy!!

    I was using iPhone Devs procedure so far. Should try something else now.

    @ Vaughan any updates??

  45. @KKiran

    Nothing new; I’ve been coding this weekend but plan to set aside some time for Attack #4 :) I want to note here that the ‘Activate 1.1.1’ instructions on the iPhone Dev wiki have changed as many people noted that step 4 was entirely unnecessary for them and the instructions have since been modified.

  46. @KKiran

    Nothing new; I’ve been coding this weekend but plan to set aside some time for Attack #4 :) I want to note here that the ‘Activate 1.1.1’ instructions on the iPhone Dev wiki have changed as many people noted that step 4 was entirely unnecessary for them and the instructions have since been modified.

  47. @ Kiran & Vaughn,

    Sounds like we have a challenge here! Which of the two of you can get your older Cingular SIM working on Jailbroken 1.1.1 iPhone!

    Go to it guys! Let me know how iNdependence 1.2.2 works for you!


  48. @ Kiran & Vaughn,

    Sounds like we have a challenge here! Which of the two of you can get your older Cingular SIM working on Jailbroken 1.1.1 iPhone!

    Go to it guys! Let me know how iNdependence 1.2.2 works for you!


  49. Interesting note on the iNdependence site for version 1.2.2 and I quote:

    “Please note that if you have used anySIM or other free SIM unlocking solutions (anything except for the iPhoneSimFree solution), and you upgrade to 1.1.1, it will wipe out the SIM unlock and render the phone and text message part of your phone inoperable. Everything else will work though. “

  50. Interesting note on the iNdependence site for version 1.2.2 and I quote:

    “Please note that if you have used anySIM or other free SIM unlocking solutions (anything except for the iPhoneSimFree solution), and you upgrade to 1.1.1, it will wipe out the SIM unlock and render the phone and text message part of your phone inoperable. Everything else will work though. “

  51. @all

    Ding Ding Ding! We have a winner!

    Independence 1.2.2 pulled it off: 1.1.1 and old cingular SIM (and rest assured KKiran, it survives restarts!).

    My only hassle (aside that even in iNdpendence its a bit convioluted, since not everything is handle by AFC over the USB cable; you have to SSH (and know your IP/Passwords). I had only two hassles: 1) on insatlling SSH on 1.1.1 I changed the password at once, but forgot that the password doesnt take until a restart, so Id suggest holding off changing the default password until everything is done. The other grief was that I was using my laptop as an ad-hoc WiFi access point to do the SSH stuff, and it has always been notoriously spotty.

    Having said that, I’m golden :)

  52. @all

    Ding Ding Ding! We have a winner!

    Independence 1.2.2 pulled it off: 1.1.1 and old cingular SIM (and rest assured KKiran, it survives restarts!).

    My only hassle (aside that even in iNdpendence its a bit convioluted, since not everything is handle by AFC over the USB cable; you have to SSH (and know your IP/Passwords). I had only two hassles: 1) on insatlling SSH on 1.1.1 I changed the password at once, but forgot that the password doesnt take until a restart, so Id suggest holding off changing the default password until everything is done. The other grief was that I was using my laptop as an ad-hoc WiFi access point to do the SSH stuff, and it has always been notoriously spotty.

    Having said that, I’m golden :)

  53. @ Vaughn

    FANTASTIC! Congrats on getting it to work. Spread the work (I will do so as well). I may update this post (again) to put in your findings, however having not done it that way, I would have to rely on your commentary.

    Be sure to DIGG this post to get more people to see your (and others’ results).


  54. @ Vaughn

    FANTASTIC! Congrats on getting it to work. Spread the work (I will do so as well). I may update this post (again) to put in your findings, however having not done it that way, I would have to rely on your commentary.

    Be sure to DIGG this post to get more people to see your (and others’ results).


  55. @ Vaughan : You are the MAN!! You have no idea what I went through for the past 18 hours!! Your instant updates really kept me alive!! Lets celebrate this Victory :) iPhone Devs win and ATT Apple lose yet again!!

    Pl be careful and read the INdependence file before even trying to attempt a 1.1.1 jailbreak… its dangerous!!

    Vaughan,Mike – Thanks a lot :) This post should be a 1.1.1 iPhonians paradise ;)

    Everything up and running captain( Vaughan )!!


  56. @ Vaughan : You are the MAN!! You have no idea what I went through for the past 18 hours!! Your instant updates really kept me alive!! Lets celebrate this Victory :) iPhone Devs win and ATT Apple lose yet again!!

    Pl be careful and read the INdependence file before even trying to attempt a 1.1.1 jailbreak… its dangerous!!

    Vaughan,Mike – Thanks a lot :) This post should be a 1.1.1 iPhonians paradise ;)

    Everything up and running captain( Vaughan )!!


  57. @ Vaughan & Mike : I gave credit to you guys on my blog, you rock!!

    Now that we have our cingular sim making calls on 1.1.1, how do we go about installing 3rd party apps? I sshed installer.app to my iPhone but now what? Any ideas guys??

    Thanks a ton!

  58. @ Vaughan & Mike : I gave credit to you guys on my blog, you rock!!

    Now that we have our cingular sim making calls on 1.1.1, how do we go about installing 3rd party apps? I sshed installer.app to my iPhone but now what? Any ideas guys??

    Thanks a ton!

  59. Does this work for 1.1.1 3rd party apps :


    The new version of SpringBoard has been hard-coded to allow only factory
    applications to run. We’ve coded up a patcher that will fix this “bug”,
    and back up your original SpringBoard app.

    1. Upload the springpatch binary included with this distribution:

    scp springpatch root@[IPHONE IP]:/usr/bin

    Then low into your iPhone and run it:

    $ springpatch

    SpringBoard Patcher for iPhone v1.1.1
    Brought to you by the iPhone Dev Team
    Successfully patched /System/Library/CoreServices/SpringBoard.app/SpringBoard
    Original backed up to:
    Please reboot your iPhone or kill springboard for changes to take effect.

    If it exits successfully, you can now restart SpringBoard to enable third
    party applications:

    killall SpringBoard

    Any ideas?

  60. Does this work for 1.1.1 3rd party apps :


    The new version of SpringBoard has been hard-coded to allow only factory
    applications to run. We’ve coded up a patcher that will fix this “bug”,
    and back up your original SpringBoard app.

    1. Upload the springpatch binary included with this distribution:

    scp springpatch root@[IPHONE IP]:/usr/bin

    Then low into your iPhone and run it:

    $ springpatch

    SpringBoard Patcher for iPhone v1.1.1
    Brought to you by the iPhone Dev Team
    Successfully patched /System/Library/CoreServices/SpringBoard.app/SpringBoard
    Original backed up to:
    Please reboot your iPhone or kill springboard for changes to take effect.

    If it exits successfully, you can now restart SpringBoard to enable third
    party applications:

    killall SpringBoard

    Any ideas?

  61. I’m at work, so I cant do very much as my iPhone and Laptop dont play nice together when I’m using the latter as a Wifi access point, so I havent been able to SSH or SCP at all.

    I’ll have to wait til I get home late this evening to continue fussing around.

    In the meantime, I have iNdependence saying the phone is jailbroken, iPhuc saying that it is not, but no way to tell which is telling the truth. :)

  62. I’m at work, so I cant do very much as my iPhone and Laptop dont play nice together when I’m using the latter as a Wifi access point, so I havent been able to SSH or SCP at all.

    I’ll have to wait til I get home late this evening to continue fussing around.

    In the meantime, I have iNdependence saying the phone is jailbroken, iPhuc saying that it is not, but no way to tell which is telling the truth. :)

  63. @ Kiran,

    Did you follow the steps using SSH to launch the installer app? This is what I followed from iPhoneAlley (and it worked for me):

    4. Back in the terminal, SSH into your iPhone again (if you’re not already), give the command “chmod -Rf +x /Applications/” and hit return.
    5. Slide to unlock your iPhone then type “/Applications/Installer.app/Installer” [in SSH] and hit return to launch Installer [on your iphone].
    6. After AppTapp opens [on your iphone], press control+c [on your mac ] to close it
    7. Open Safari on iPhone and navigate to “http://conceitedsoftware.com/iphone/beta”
    8. Tap yes to add it to Installer [on iphone]
    9. Back in terminal, using ssh, type “/Applications/Installer.app/Installer” and hit return to launch Installer again.
    # Install “Trip1PogoStick” located under the “System” category to enable scrolling and applications [on iphone].
    # When you’re done, reboot the iPhone and close all your windows. You now have AppTapp.

    I added some clarifications (in brackets) so that you know where to do the actions. I am not sure it will work for you since you used a different process but it would be good to know what does and doesn’t.

    Hope that works!

  64. @ Kiran,

    Did you follow the steps using SSH to launch the installer app? This is what I followed from iPhoneAlley (and it worked for me):

    4. Back in the terminal, SSH into your iPhone again (if you’re not already), give the command “chmod -Rf +x /Applications/” and hit return.
    5. Slide to unlock your iPhone then type “/Applications/Installer.app/Installer” [in SSH] and hit return to launch Installer [on your iphone].
    6. After AppTapp opens [on your iphone], press control+c [on your mac ] to close it
    7. Open Safari on iPhone and navigate to “http://conceitedsoftware.com/iphone/beta”
    8. Tap yes to add it to Installer [on iphone]
    9. Back in terminal, using ssh, type “/Applications/Installer.app/Installer” and hit return to launch Installer again.
    # Install “Trip1PogoStick” located under the “System” category to enable scrolling and applications [on iphone].
    # When you’re done, reboot the iPhone and close all your windows. You now have AppTapp.

    I added some clarifications (in brackets) so that you know where to do the actions. I am not sure it will work for you since you used a different process but it would be good to know what does and doesn’t.

    Hope that works!

  65. @Michael

    The SSH instructions for Installer and PogoStick went flawlessly, thanks!

    I had to remove some cruft from my phone’s root directory (DCIM and Itunes_Control folders and the like) that was created when the Media symlink was still in effect.

    Rule-of-thumb to anyone following this: once you’re done, if something is listed in /var/root/Media/ , its not necessary in / (the root directory). You can deleted them in SSH, SFTP or on the phone with MobileFinder (assuming it runs on 1.1.1; testing)

  66. @Michael

    The SSH instructions for Installer and PogoStick went flawlessly, thanks!

    I had to remove some cruft from my phone’s root directory (DCIM and Itunes_Control folders and the like) that was created when the Media symlink was still in effect.

    Rule-of-thumb to anyone following this: once you’re done, if something is listed in /var/root/Media/ , its not necessary in / (the root directory). You can deleted them in SSH, SFTP or on the phone with MobileFinder (assuming it runs on 1.1.1; testing)

  67. @ Kkiran,

    You must have an 8 gig iPhone, I’m guessing, because I only had about 25-30 MB available on my 4 gig. Very much down from the 1.0.2 which was over 100 MB.

  68. @ Kkiran,

    You must have an 8 gig iPhone, I’m guessing, because I only had about 25-30 MB available on my 4 gig. Very much down from the 1.0.2 which was over 100 MB.

  69. Confirmed- I can still use MobileFinder and MobileTextEdit to shuffle things around and tinker in plist files.

    Having said that, I’m down to 35MB of app space on my 8GB… dang, if iTunes.app is that big, I can trash it and use my fallback position, playing wax cylinders on my trusty gramophone…

  70. Confirmed- I can still use MobileFinder and MobileTextEdit to shuffle things around and tinker in plist files.

    Having said that, I’m down to 35MB of app space on my 8GB… dang, if iTunes.app is that big, I can trash it and use my fallback position, playing wax cylinders on my trusty gramophone…

  71. Im not so happy with 1.1.1, using 1.0.2 with 4.XX baseband, iTunes is good but not so gr8!! I had random restores and automatic power offs, beware!

  72. Im not so happy with 1.1.1, using 1.0.2 with 4.XX baseband, iTunes is good but not so gr8!! I had random restores and automatic power offs, beware!

  73. Not so much weirdness here, yes to somewhat reduced battery life (as reported elsewhere), but that seems to have fixed itself after a ‘solid’ 100% recharge (perhaps some kind of calibration à la Macbook Pro where before it erroneously thought it was ‘near-death’ (under 5%)?)

  74. Not so much weirdness here, yes to somewhat reduced battery life (as reported elsewhere), but that seems to have fixed itself after a ‘solid’ 100% recharge (perhaps some kind of calibration à la Macbook Pro where before it erroneously thought it was ‘near-death’ (under 5%)?)

  75. @ Vaughan : You know what – my iPhone showed 20% battery and all of a sudden it died down. The worst thing so far — it went to a restore mode all of a sudden (while I was supporting a customer to unlock his iPhone, I launched with apptapp on my mac and it says restore – im not sure if it has any relation but 1.1.1 is not great so far :( I am back to 1.0.2, how can it turn off all by itself?! Summer board manual installation worked but still it takes time for perfection like in 1.0.2!!

  76. @ Vaughan : You know what – my iPhone showed 20% battery and all of a sudden it died down. The worst thing so far — it went to a restore mode all of a sudden (while I was supporting a customer to unlock his iPhone, I launched with apptapp on my mac and it says restore – im not sure if it has any relation but 1.1.1 is not great so far :( I am back to 1.0.2, how can it turn off all by itself?! Summer board manual installation worked but still it takes time for perfection like in 1.0.2!!

  77. @KK

    Ah, did I understand you to say theres a way to get SummerBoard on 1.1.1?

    I had a friend bring in his phone yesterday that didnt upgrade successfully with iNd 1.2.3, I repeated the steps with 1.2.2 and managed to finish the process, so 1.2.3 seems a little suspect to me, but no repeatable data to base it on.

  78. @KK

    Ah, did I understand you to say theres a way to get SummerBoard on 1.1.1?

    I had a friend bring in his phone yesterday that didnt upgrade successfully with iNd 1.2.3, I repeated the steps with 1.2.2 and managed to finish the process, so 1.2.3 seems a little suspect to me, but no repeatable data to base it on.

  79. Yep, did you not install summerboard on your 1.1.1?? Or did I get the question wrong … ? It is possible. Modmyiphone has the article, im preparing for my exam which is due in 30 minutes!!

    I am yet to try 1.2.3 Ind… 1.2.2 is great though :)

  80. Yep, did you not install summerboard on your 1.1.1?? Or did I get the question wrong … ? It is possible. Modmyiphone has the article, im preparing for my exam which is due in 30 minutes!!

    I am yet to try 1.2.3 Ind… 1.2.2 is great though :)

  81. @ Edward,

    Did you do that URL in Safari on the iPhone? That is where you need to do it. Also, you need to be sure you have AppInstaller installed on your iPhone.


  82. @ Edward,

    Did you do that URL in Safari on the iPhone? That is where you need to do it. Also, you need to be sure you have AppInstaller installed on your iPhone.


  83. @ Michael

    Yeah, I created a folder after SSHing, using Terminal and Cyberduck (per the instuctions) called “Applications” in the root. I then was able to use the command /Applications/Installer.app/Installer to launch Installer via Terminal.

    Basically, I follow the instructions, closed Installer via Terminal and went to the URL (@ conceited software) but and unable to download the file to the phone.

    Any thoughts on that? Thanks.

  84. @ Michael

    Yeah, I created a folder after SSHing, using Terminal and Cyberduck (per the instuctions) called “Applications” in the root. I then was able to use the command /Applications/Installer.app/Installer to launch Installer via Terminal.

    Basically, I follow the instructions, closed Installer via Terminal and went to the URL (@ conceited software) but and unable to download the file to the phone.

    Any thoughts on that? Thanks.

  85. @ Ed You might want to restart the iPhone, Check if it si jailbroken and rlaunch the installer followed by Safari… You should get it :)

  86. @ Ed You might want to restart the iPhone, Check if it si jailbroken and rlaunch the installer followed by Safari… You should get it :)

  87. @ Kkiran

    Yeah, I’ve done all that troubleshooting (at least that I can think of). Next step may be to start over — any other thoughts?


  88. @ Kkiran

    Yeah, I’ve done all that troubleshooting (at least that I can think of). Next step may be to start over — any other thoughts?


  89. @ Edward,

    Unfortunately, maybe so. I did…and the second time through was better. Good luck!


  90. @ Edward,

    Unfortunately, maybe so. I did…and the second time through was better. Good luck!


  91. Boy am I ever glad I ruminated on this page, guys…

    I’ve been happily running 1.1.1 for months and decided to take the plunge to 1.1.3 to test a few things that have to be changed in MobileSyncBrowser…

    For the life of me the newer how-tos wouldnt leave my phone in a workable state (I was able to go from 1.1.1 to 1.1.2 with my Cingular SIM but 1.1.3 went wrong somewhere)

    I have since had to drop back to 1.0.2 and now, to work my way up again!

  92. Boy am I ever glad I ruminated on this page, guys…

    I’ve been happily running 1.1.1 for months and decided to take the plunge to 1.1.3 to test a few things that have to be changed in MobileSyncBrowser…

    For the life of me the newer how-tos wouldnt leave my phone in a workable state (I was able to go from 1.1.1 to 1.1.2 with my Cingular SIM but 1.1.3 went wrong somewhere)

    I have since had to drop back to 1.0.2 and now, to work my way up again!

  93. Hey vaughan :) Remember me?! Its been a long time playing with the firmware,right? Anyways, for 1.1.3, I had to sell my 1.1.1 iPhone and I bought a 1.1.2 OTB (for testing purposes) and I followed Nate’s process. I could do it in about 30 minutes, so why not you?? Documentation @ http://windows-mobiles.com/?p=143 Lemme know if you still face problems :)

  94. Hey vaughan :) Remember me?! Its been a long time playing with the firmware,right? Anyways, for 1.1.3, I had to sell my 1.1.1 iPhone and I bought a 1.1.2 OTB (for testing purposes) and I followed Nate’s process. I could do it in about 30 minutes, so why not you?? Documentation @ http://windows-mobiles.com/?p=143 Lemme know if you still face problems :)

  95. @KKiran:

    How could I forget? I’m still with my same 1.1.1 phone through thick and thin; I got to 1.1.2 successfuly and tried the other ‘un-Nate’ method for 1.1.3 but the install.sh script showed a few errors and I ended up with a phone in restore mode.

    So I take it youre still running on a non-iPhone ATT SIM?

    Now working my way from a working 1.0.2 back up to 1.1.1 (again) and beyond.

    jailbreakme.com is a pain and doesnt activate with my sim- do I just have to do the supplementary lockdownd song-and-dance?

  96. @KKiran:

    How could I forget? I’m still with my same 1.1.1 phone through thick and thin; I got to 1.1.2 successfuly and tried the other ‘un-Nate’ method for 1.1.3 but the install.sh script showed a few errors and I ended up with a phone in restore mode.

    So I take it youre still running on a non-iPhone ATT SIM?

    Now working my way from a working 1.0.2 back up to 1.1.1 (again) and beyond.

    jailbreakme.com is a pain and doesnt activate with my sim- do I just have to do the supplementary lockdownd song-and-dance?

  97. Hey Vaughn, I am still on non-iPhone Cingular. 1.1.3 Jailbreak is an absolute no-brainer when it comes to Nate’s method. Didn’t try other methods cos’ Nate’s method work instantly!!

    1.0.2 is buggy, upgrade to 1.1.1, Jailbreakme.com and then follow Nate’s method for 1.1.3.

    Why won’t 1.1.1 Jailbreakme.com won’t work with your SIM, it is not SIM specific, it just a tiff-exploit…

    Let me know if you still have problems…

  98. Hey Vaughn, I am still on non-iPhone Cingular. 1.1.3 Jailbreak is an absolute no-brainer when it comes to Nate’s method. Didn’t try other methods cos’ Nate’s method work instantly!!

    1.0.2 is buggy, upgrade to 1.1.1, Jailbreakme.com and then follow Nate’s method for 1.1.3.

    Why won’t 1.1.1 Jailbreakme.com won’t work with your SIM, it is not SIM specific, it just a tiff-exploit…

    Let me know if you still have problems…

  99. @ Vaughin & Kkiran,

    Good to see you guys back. I haven’t tried anything with the 1.1.3 firmware yet. However, if you guys do attempt to do anything with it, please post your comments on this page.


  100. @ Vaughin & Kkiran,

    Good to see you guys back. I haven’t tried anything with the 1.1.3 firmware yet. However, if you guys do attempt to do anything with it, please post your comments on this page.


  101. @mike: I will post the 1.1.3 stuff as appropriate but for now this is a 1.1.1 issue :)

    @kkiran: Ive just restored straight to 1.1.1 and got the 1016 error in iTunes (which Im told is normal as the modem firmware is newer, being the 1.1.2 flavor)

    I always have a hassle with jailbreakme.com ’cause it never seems to take unless I poke that tiff exploit several times.

    Once done however, I end up with a jailbroken 1.1.1 but no service with my old cingular SIM. Yours just works? I seem to get the feeling that the old lockdownd switching isnt happening… or do you just go on to the 1.1.2 steps?

  102. @mike: I will post the 1.1.3 stuff as appropriate but for now this is a 1.1.1 issue :)

    @kkiran: Ive just restored straight to 1.1.1 and got the 1016 error in iTunes (which Im told is normal as the modem firmware is newer, being the 1.1.2 flavor)

    I always have a hassle with jailbreakme.com ’cause it never seems to take unless I poke that tiff exploit several times.

    Once done however, I end up with a jailbroken 1.1.1 but no service with my old cingular SIM. Yours just works? I seem to get the feeling that the old lockdownd switching isnt happening… or do you just go on to the 1.1.2 steps?

  103. hey Vaughn! Well, I get a feeling that you have to virginize your baseband… It is a fairly simple process. Just launch installer.app on 1.1.1 and virginize your phone.

    well, yeah tiff exploit should be done more than once at times but are you giving it enough time for it to work? I mean, after u click install appasnap on jailbreakme.com, just let it do its thing, might take some time, then reboot and activate.

    Vriginize might give you a Cingular signal.. and it shud also take care of Lockdownd. I no longer do these complicated file access, just follow the simple steps, I have documented them on my blog too!

  104. hey Vaughn! Well, I get a feeling that you have to virginize your baseband… It is a fairly simple process. Just launch installer.app on 1.1.1 and virginize your phone.

    well, yeah tiff exploit should be done more than once at times but are you giving it enough time for it to work? I mean, after u click install appasnap on jailbreakme.com, just let it do its thing, might take some time, then reboot and activate.

    Vriginize might give you a Cingular signal.. and it shud also take care of Lockdownd. I no longer do these complicated file access, just follow the simple steps, I have documented them on my blog too!

  105. Im conflicted as to mucking around with the baseband unless is really tried-and-true, undetectable thing…

    my datapoints are these… I went from a working 1.1.1 to a working 1.1.2, this is when iTunes upgraded the modem firmware to 4.02.13_G. The phone was working fine with the new modem firmware. Thats point one.

    I then tried the 1.1.3 soft upgrade which as I have it, doesnt make any baseband changes. OK, so that got botched. So I go al the way back to 1.0.2 an this too works with my cingular SIM. So aside from any hiccups in itunes, I dont think the 4.02.13_G software is the issue. Wouldnt you agree?

    Oh, and i have the virginizing software on my mac, but was unable to locate in the Phone’s Installer is this package in some non-standard depository?


  106. Im conflicted as to mucking around with the baseband unless is really tried-and-true, undetectable thing…

    my datapoints are these… I went from a working 1.1.1 to a working 1.1.2, this is when iTunes upgraded the modem firmware to 4.02.13_G. The phone was working fine with the new modem firmware. Thats point one.

    I then tried the 1.1.3 soft upgrade which as I have it, doesnt make any baseband changes. OK, so that got botched. So I go al the way back to 1.0.2 an this too works with my cingular SIM. So aside from any hiccups in itunes, I dont think the 4.02.13_G software is the issue. Wouldnt you agree?

    Oh, and i have the virginizing software on my mac, but was unable to locate in the Phone’s Installer is this package in some non-standard depository?


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