iPhone: A couple of bugs or changes with Firmware 1.1.1

Since I don’t have any 3rd party apps now with Firmware 1.1.1, I have been digging around with the functionality that I currently have and I came across a couple of changes (or bugs?) in the new version that I felt should have something written about them.

Closing multiple Safari windows saves wrong window

I have been able to duplicate this a few times. Here are the steps and they are a bit complicated.

  1. Open a minimum of 3 windows in Safari, one of which, you must launch from another site. A good example would be if you have your Google Search preferences to launch a new window when you click on a link. But that is the most important thing, the pages should come from LINKS and not be directly opened from a bookmark:
    Window #1 – Site A (e.g., Google Search)
    Window #2 – Site B (e.g., a site launched via new window from Google Search)
    Window #3 – Site C (e.g., a site launched via new window from Google Search or a bookmark site)
  2. Launch the Window Viewer and close (click the X in the upper left corner) on Sites B and C
  3. What is “saved” and launches is NOT Site A as I would expect, but rather one of the other Sites/Windows that was popped open.

If you do this same test with just two windows (one being launched from a primary), you can see that the 2nd window’s URL is passed back to the primary window. (Hope this makes sense.)

At end of viewing a movie/TV show no prompt to delete

In previous versions of the software, when you finished watching a movie or show, you were asked if you want to delete the movie to save space (twice, in fact, I believe). Doing that removed the movie/show from your iPod playlist. Now, with version 1.1.1, you are not prompted to delete. I tried this with both a movie and a video Podcast. However, when I did return to sync my iPhone, the movies/podcasts were removed automatically. I’m not sure I like one way or another, but it would have been nice to know about the change.

Would appreciate feedback from both 1.1.1 users and pre-1.1.1 users on these two items to confirm or refute my findings.

HTD says: I’m bored with Firmware 1.1.1.

2 Responses

  1. I’m having the same window url problem with my iPod touch (firmware 1.1.1, I think.) Very annoying.

  2. I’m having the same window url problem with my iPod touch (firmware 1.1.1, I think.) Very annoying.

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