HTD’s Tech News Snippets – July 21, 2010 (Ford, Skype, Antennagate, Facebook, Apple & Blackberry)

Once again, scouring the web for the latest tech news that grabbed my attention. Below are some links to some posts. You can see the beginning of my commentary below. Clicking through the links gives you the rest of the commentary as well as the article that I snipped.

  • I LOVE the NEW Ford Motors – 2011 Explorer Unveil on Facebook
    I love how Ford Motors has redefined itself. They loaned me a 2010 Ford Flex for 2 weeks, they invited me out to Detroit for an announcement (unfortunately I couldn’t go) and now they are unveiling the 2011 Explorer via Facebook. I love how they are engaging not only end users but also the media […]
  • Run Skype in Background on iOS4 & Free 3G Calls!
    I have used the Skype app once to call someone in the UK. The voice quality was actually better than on the regular phone, but I hated that I couldn’t “multi-task” when on the call. Now the app has been updated to run in the background. BUT, the BIG thing for me in this article […]
  • Beating “antennagate” To Death!
    Wow, I hadn’t seen Apple’s elegant page devoted to Antennagate and the antenna attenuation (that’s a lot of “A” words). Personally, I think we have beaten this topic to death. All cell phones with internal antennae can experience this issue. Some perform better than others. This is a fact that we just have to live […]
  • Facebook Scams Continue (And They Won’t End)!
    Yet another couple of Facebook scams are making their rounds. These are getting more and more sophisticated too. But just use common sense and the same practices you do in email phishing scams. Only click on things that you know about (better not to click at all). Go to web sites directly by typing in […]
  • iPhone 4 Cases are “Pocket Change” for Apple
    Well, that’s my opinion at least. Yes, it is an unexpected cost for Apple who just announced record quarterly earnings. However, I’m thinking there will be more expenses related to the design. Newer models will have to be retooled so that when the case giveaway ends there will be a better solution. I think the […]
  • New Blackberry Browser Sets the “Standard”
    It’s about time that blackberry jumped to the top if the crowd with some noteworthy news. Scoring high on the HTML 5 benchmarking among other things is pretty newsworthy. But will it help with their sales? Time (and customers) will tell. Clipped from www.salomondrin.netBlackberry WebKit Browser Vs Android and iPhone!Finally we got to see something […]
  • “All Your Data Are Belong To Us” says Apple to Gov’t
    Why am I not surprised by any of this. We are embarking on our 15 minutes of privacy now. Honestly, I don’t mind supplying Apple with location information provided it helps my service improve. I’m not so sure about Google saving all of my web-search data and I really don’t want Facebook monkeying around in […]
  • FCC Approves new Apple Bluetooth Device – Magic Trackpad?
    Some people absolutely love the Magic Mouse. I have only played with it briefly and I must say, it is pretty impressive. This new Magic Trackpad, well, I’m not sure how it would work with current laptops, so perhaps it is more for iPads and other legacy devices. What do you think?Clipped from reviews.cnet.comNew Apple […]
  • Apple Reports Third Quarter Results – Yahoo! Finance
    Why am I not surprised by Apple’s 3Q Results? They continue to produce quality products and services despite all of the criticism around “antennagate”, a somewhat closed App Store, a tough Dev environment and other items that some people may deem as being negative. Net quarterly profit of $3.25 billion is…well…WOWZA! And generating $4 […]

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About HighTechDad

Michael Sheehan (“HighTechDad”) is an avid technologist, writer, journalist, content marketer, blogger, tech influencer, social media pundit, loving husband and father of 3 beautiful girls living in the San Francisco Bay Area. This site covers technology, consumer electronics, Parent Tech, SmartHomes, cloud computing, gadgets, software, hardware, parenting “hacks,” and other tips & tricks.

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