Fix-It: iPhone Bookmark Sync errors

Been a while since I did a post so here is a quick one…an iPhone Fix-it. I’m on firmware 1.1.4 on a Jailbroken iPhone and recently started getting some errors when trying to sync my device. As iTunes was synching and hit the bookmarks section, I continually received the following…

Written By
Michael Sheehan
Published On
March 18, 2008

Been a while since I did a post so here is a quick one…an iPhone Fix-it. I’m on firmware 1.1.4 on a Jailbroken iPhone and recently started getting some errors when trying to sync my device. As iTunes was synching and hit the bookmarks section, I continually received the following error message:

“iTunes could not sync bookmarks to the iPhone “iPhone” because the iPhone canceled the sync.”

(First, my iPhone is called “iPhone.”) What a cryptic message is that? This happened repeatedly, even if I tried to reset the bookmark sync. So, to cut to the chase, here is the fix:

  • First you need a jailbroken phone (I don’t think you will encounter this issue if you don’t have a jailbroken phone but I could be wrong)
  • You need to change the permissions on one file. To do that , you can either SSH or use a terminal app on your iPhone.
  • The file is “Bookmarks.plist” which is located at: “var/mobile/Library/Safari/
  • The command that you can use via SSH or via a Terminal emulator on you iPhone (like Term-vt100) is “chmod 0777 Bookmarks.plist
  • Once you have changed the permissions to “everyone writeable,” you can sync again.

If you need help with any of this, just drop me a note.

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HTD Says: Get rid of those pesky iPhone permission bugs!

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