Finally Jailbroke my 1.1.4 Firmware iPhone

I know, I know. I said that I was going to wait and see what happens with the iPhone and the SDK (due out very soon). And, I really really like how well the iPhone just works as an un-modded phone. I actually think that I could have waited to…

Written By
Michael Sheehan
Published On
February 29, 2008

I know, I know. I said that I was going to wait and see what happens with the iPhone and the SDK (due out very soon). And, I really really like how well the iPhone just works as an un-modded phone. I actually think that I could have waited to see what happens. But the intrigue got to me, especially after reading that iNdependence was now working with firmware 1.1.4. So, off I went.

Disclaimer: I don’t recommend doing this if you don’t know what you are doing. You probably shouldn’t do this type of stuff since it possibly voids your warranty. Anyway, for those of you interested in how I did it (and I didn’t really follow any real directions), here are my steps:

  1. Download iNdependence 1.4 beta 5 (or later) from here
  2. Attach your iPhone (make a backup/sync)
  3. Launch iNdependence (take a look at their help menu, it is useful)
  4. Go to the Jailbreak tab. It should say “Perform Jailbreak”. Click that. I had some issues here and got some errors like “Failure – Error entering recovery mode” (that shows up in documentation). Just disconnect your iPhone and restart it. Quit iNdependence and restart it as well and try again.
  5. If you are in Jailbreaking mode, you will see a ton of text scroll by on your iPhone (very Matrix-y). If it works, the phone goes into recovery mode and that is when you see the text scroll by.
  6. Then iNdependence should say that your iPhone is jailbroken.
  7. Next step should be to install SSH, SFTP and SCP. That is the next tab on iNdependence. Click the Install button for those. You will have to restart your iPhone 3 times.
  8. After the restarts, I recommend changing the passwords for the accounts listed in the iNdependence Help File (namely “root” and “mobile”)
  9. Then you need to get the on the system. The place where I got the latest version was here. This is the 3.0 version, I believe. Just use iNdependence to drop the to the Application/User directory. If you have issues with SSH, you may have to delete your old keys. Check my post here for some info on how to delete your ssh keys on a mac.
  10. After that, you can start installing 3rd party applications…the only problem is that you get some script errors when you try to install.
  11. If you get the script errors when trying to install applications, you may have to do some fixing. I looked at this thread and tried to do it. It didn’t work for me. I had issues running the commands (they weren’t recognized). Also, many of the commands in that script was just to download the latest version of I already had the latest. So the best thing was to just run the appropriate comments. So, I tried to do just one of them, the “chmod +s” one. To do this, once you are SSHed in, type “cd /” and then “cd /Applications/” I restarted my iPhone and installations worked fine. Remember, to do SSH commands to your iPhone, you need to be sure that you are connected on a wireless network and know the IP address of your iPhone.
  12. That’s it! Your installations should work now!

Sorry for the short list. I wanted to document what I did. In fact, I had some issues where my iPhone crashed or hung and I lost all sound coming from my device. Luckily, going to iTunes and clicking restore got me back to an un-jailbroken phone and I just went through the process again.

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Let me know if you have any questions. There are now a TON of new 3rd party apps and many look very intriguing.

HTD say: Read the directions carefully and you too can jailbreak an iPhone with 1.1.4 firmware and get your 3rd party apps back!

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