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Wii U – Will U? I Will! Why I like
I'm not a hard core gamer. I do have an Xbox (original & 360), a PS3 and the original Wii. Now I have the Nintendo Wii U. I'm more of…
5 Tips on How To Make your Child Safer When
Just the other day, I was talking to someone about how playtime has changed since when we were children. The line that my parents used to say all of the…
Just Cover It Up! Pritect – A Privacy Guard for
Sometimes low-tech is the best way to go. I hadn't really thought much about the Kinect for Xbox and Window in terms of privacy, until the folks at Catalyst Components…
HighTechDad’s 2011 Father’s Day Gift Guide – Products I Have
Father's Day is almost upon us and I wouldn't be doing my part for the Dads out there if I didn't put together a Father's Day Gift Guide. Gifts are…
A Couple Intel Innovations that Caught My Eye at CES
There was a lot to see at CES 2011, so much so that next year I'm considering having an Intel processor installed in my brain just to try to analyze…
HighTechDad’s 2010 Gadget Roundup & Gift Guide
Better late than never I guess! Over the past year, I have tested out and reviewed a variety of gadgets and consumer electronic devices. Most of these were hand-picked for…
Not Just Next Gen Gaming, but Future Computer Interaction? Xbox
My family and I have had the Xbox 360 and Xbox Kinect for about a month now, and I must say that I'm personally impressed by the level of technology…
Do Pop Rocks and 25 Year Olds Mix? Find out
It seems that we always manage to circle back to a common theme in our podcasts, that of drinks and festivities. But that is not all that makes up a…
Microsoft and Family – LifeCam VX-5500 & Microsoft Office 2008
When you think about Microsoft, the first thing that comes to your mind is probably not Family. If you are like me, Microsoft software rules your computer at your office…