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How to Easily Convert Word Footnotes to Endnotes In Bulk
This How-To article discusses the easy way to convert Microsoft Word footnotes to endnotes (or vice versa) individually or in bulk & how to format the footnote or endnote numbering.
How To Fix Track Changes in Microsoft Word 16 for
Is your author or user name showing as "Author" in your Microsoft Word for Mac when you edit & track changes & not your actual user name? Here's how to…
How To Create a “Work” Menu in Office 2016 &
In previous versions of Microsoft Office for Mac, you were able to create something called a "Work" menu. In Office 2016/Office 365, you can no longer do that. But, there…
How To Fix Repeating Black Boxes in a Row in
How to fix repeating black boxes that appear in a row on Microsoft Word. What causes them and how to stop them from happening.
How To Find Where Outlook Stores Temporary Attachments – Ones
Here's the scenario. You receive an email attachment in Microsoft Outlook. You open that attachment directly from the email message, make a bunch of edits (and perhaps save them along…
How To Create a “Work” Menu Like Office 2004/2008 in
While I truly like Microsoft Office 2011 for Mac (you can see my review of it here on the Microsoft Office for Mac Blog), there are some folks who have…