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A Microsoft Companion for the Apple iPad or iPhone? YES!
When the iPad first came out, some of the biggest questions were "how well does the keyboard work?" or "is typing on the screen fairly easy?" In fact, I still…
No AT&T iPhone Tethering Because of the Apple iPad 3G?
Is tethering ever going to arrive for AT&T and the iPhone? Rumor has it, it will be coming soon. We are a year later after there was an announcement that…
Wireless Streaming Audio from your Computer with Mint Studio &
There are so many different speaker for iPods and other personal audio players out there that I’m almost reluctant to review any anymore. There is rarely any point of differentiation…
SchlageLINK Gives You Security & Access, Even When You Aren’t
Keys are a pain! I have so many keys on my keychain that I feel like a locksmith and I'm not even sure what keys go to what lock. But…
Streaming Audio Throughout your House Easily with the Aperion Home
Have you ever wished you could get the music off of your computer and onto your main stereo system? Sure, you could buy an Apple AirPort Express and hook that…
Cell Phones, Tweens, Texting & Conversations – Child & Family
If you are a parent of a tween (a pre-teenager), you have probably hit the stage of your child wanting a cell phone. My wife and I broke down (or…
Remote CES 2010 Coverage: Initial Thoughts & Day 1 News
[Updated: 01.06.10 @ 3:20 pm Pacific] I'm jealous of all of those who are able to brave the madness of gadget-hungry attendees of CES 2010 (the 2010 International Consumer Electronics…
The Belkin N1 Vision: A Wireless Router Built for Speed
If you are like me, you have your wireless router tucked away in a closet, at the top of a shelf or under a desk somewhere. I have one of…
A Mouse for the Rest of Us – Microsoft Natural
I have big hands and big feet, you know what that means, right? You guessed it, big shoes and computer mice that just feel too small when you use them.…