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EMIE Power Blade Review – Great Back-to-School or Work Portable
Review: the EMIE Power Blade is a thoughtfully designed portable battery charger which clips into a binder while also being able to recharge multiple devices.
Ding Dong: Ring Doorbell Brings Wireless Video & Voice to
Review of the Ring doorbell which gives you a motion detection video camera with 2-way voice dialog and a doorbell that rings anywhere you are connected.
How to Find and Fix a Leak in a Pool
How to find and fix a leak in a pool. Repairing a leak in a pool is pretty easy. This article shows how to find and fix pool leaks and…
How To Replace a MacBook Pro Keyboard after a Liquid
Liquid and laptop keyboards are not a match made in heaven in any way. In fact, if you don’t act quickly, a liquid spill will fry out the circuitry in…
How to Turn Off Facebook’s Auto-Play Videos & Save Data
If you are anything like me, you watch your cell phone's data consumption very closely. And given that I have 4 other people on my family shared plan (3 of…
HighTechDad Does the ALS “Ice” Bucket Challenge – #IceBucketChallenge
The ALS #IceBucketChallenge has been spreading like wildfire across the Internet and honestly, I think it is brilliant. Supposedly, it wasn’t even a campaign thought up by the ALS Association…
Dyson Digital Slim DC59 Motorhead Vacuum – Review & Dog
I was going to be very cliché and have the title of this review of the Dyson Digital Slim DC59 Motorhead cordless vacuum be…”this vacuum sucks” or “yet another sucky…
How To Install a New Hard Drive & Battery into
There comes a day in the life of every laptop when it simply isn't running as efficiently as it could be. This day came to my 2010 MacBook Pro recently…
Is K-12 the Appropriate Place to Teach Children about Copyright
I remember back in the 1980's (ok I'm dating myself) when my friends and I used to make mix-tapes and music compilations and shared them amongst ourselves. It was a…