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Tech News: Chrome Beta for Mac, Boxee in a D-Link
I just bought a burrito just so that I could hold it to warm my hands. Yes, it's still cold here in the Bay Area. But the Tech News is…
Fix Its: Merge Two BlackBerry Calendars into One & AT&T’s
AT&T pushed out new firmware and a desktop application update for the BlackBerry Bold this week, supposedly with a new Visual Voicemail (similar to the iPhone). But somewhere in the…
HTD Tech Tip #1 – Your hardware/software is always out
As it seems to be taking some time for me to produce longer reviews, I thought that I would start a new smaller, on-going series of posts called “HTD Tech…
iPhone: SummerBoard 3.0a11 released – works with 1.1.1 firmware
Just a quick note, SummerBoard has been updated to now work on iPhone 1.1.1 firmware. There are now two types of installers in AppTapp, one for pre 1.1.1 firmware, titled…
iPhone: AppTapp Installer 3.0b3 released
The NullRiver folks have released a new version of AppTapp Installer for the iPhone. I have just installed version 3.0b3 and I must say that it was a needed upgrade.…
iPhone Firmware 1.0.1 released
With little fanfare, lots of anticipation and a bit of a letdown, the first firmware update from Apple for the iPhone was officially released. It looks like it was primarily…
Firefox Add-ons that I really like (and use)
I've been finding Firefox more and more to be the browser that I naturally launch first. It's starting to beat out Safari and Maxthon as my preferred browser. It is…