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“Safety, Security and Splash?” – Hot Topics from Cast of
We are definitely back into the swing of things with the latest episode of the Cast of Dads Podcast. And personally, I believe that the topics we covered in Episode…
HTD’s Tech News Snippets – July 22, 2010 (Flipboard, Google
Some really interesting news floated by today. Flipboard is a pretty interesting iPad app. Be sure to check it out. But you may have some issues hooking up your Twitter…
HTD’s Tech News Snippets – July 21, 2010 (Ford, Skype,
Once again, scouring the web for the latest tech news that grabbed my attention. Below are some links to some posts. You can see the beginning of my commentary…
HTD’s Tech News Snippets – July 20, 2010
I've started commenting on some articles that I come across daily on my surfing of the Net. I post these using (you can see my Amplify posts here). I'm…
My Brain was Upgraded at Intel’s “Upgrade Your Life” 2010
A few weeks ago, I had the privilege of attending the Intel "Upgrade Your Life" 2010 Summit (my announcement) which was a gathering of a variety of technology influencers and…
I’m Participating in Intel’s “Upgrade Your Life” Digital Influencers Summit
A few months or so ago, I saw an interesting phrase from Intel fly by on Twitter. It was the line "Upgrade Your Life" which I thought was a very…
The Ford Sync – a “Knight Rider” for the Rest
Remember way back in the 80's there was a TV show called Knight Rider where one of the two main characters was a car that talked to you and responded…
Renaming Cast of Dads Podcast #15 to the “iPadcast of
The Cast of Dads recorded podcast #15 ("iPad, Kindles & VCRs – Oh My!") the day the iPad was available to purchase. Only one of us (CC) actually had one…
The Sony DigiDad Project
No, it's not about turning a bunch of dads into Skynet, cybernetic offspring. Nor are there going to be a new line of kids DigiPets that are modeled after fathers…