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Video & How-To Install a Hard Drive on a MacBook
For all of those people who are interested in breathing a little bit of life into an older MacBook Pro, this post is for you. My non-unibody 15" beaten and…
How To Upgrade an iMac G5’s Hard Drive –
A few weeks ago, my daughter's (hand-me-down) 20" iMac G5 started acting up. It was showing the infamous "spinning beachball", was locking up, the fan was running a lot and…
Can You Do A Backup Without Touching a Button? ClickFree
Backup solutions abound. Most external hard drives you buy bundle some kind of backup software with them and most of that software works pretty well. But, you have to remember…
Fix It: Apple OS 10.5.3 Fails to Get to Login
It seems to me that Apple rushed out the 10.5.3 operating system update. And that really pissed me off. Not because of the fact that they are releasing updates to…