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“Remote” Can Describe a lot: Distance, Control, Access & Viewing
The definition of "remote" has many meanings: remote control, remote access, remote viewing. Slingbox encompasses all of these definitions.
NETGEAR’s Arlo Q Rounds Out Video Security with Wired-power HD
Review of the NETGEAR Arlo Q - a high-definition WiFi security camera with 2-way audio, night vision and free cloud storage. And it's powered by a wall plug!
Online, It’s Really All about “Me” So Protect It –
Nowadays, developing a digital reputation is critical, but just as important is its maintenance. #MentorME campaign aims to show how key this is.
See a Doctor if You’re Sick; See ACDelco if your
You wouldn't want your body to get sick during the winter, so why would you let your car get sick? ACDelco can help your vehicle stay healthy. (sponsored)
Parent & Child Drones, Drone Safety Tips & Parrot Bebop
Review of the Parrot Bebop & MiniDrone as well as drone safety tips. The MIniDrone is ideal for learning & teaching while the Bebop is more advanced.
Review: Schlage Sense Secures your Door without Keys
Review of the Schlage Sense - an iOS-connected, motorized touch-screen security dead bolt with a backlight keypad.
NETGEAR Nighthawk X8 WiFi Router Review: Fast Inside & Out
This is a review of the NETGEAR Nighthawk X8 WiFi Router is a top-of-the-line tri-band, 802.11ac, quad-stream, WiFi router with an active antenna array.
Don’t Restrict Your Child’s Smartphone, Instead Discover via Monitoring with
Instead of restricting children's smartphone usage, use AT&T Smart Limits to monitor and make discoveries for later discussion. Here's how.
Rubbermaid Roughneck Trash Can – An Extra Set of Hands
How the Rubbermaid Roughneck trash can can lend a helping hand and also be a great earthquake preparedness kit.