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The Results are In! Free CEB Skills Assessment for IT
Sponsored article about the process of taking a CEB Skills Assessment design to help IT Professionals become more well-rounded in their careers.
Are You a Well-Rounded IT Pro? Take a Free CEB
If you aren't continually reviewing your IT Professional career development, you could be left behind. Take an assessment from Capella University to help.
Do You “Know Your Stuff”? App Helps You Create Digital
Sponsored review of the mobile app & web service "Know Your Stuff" which lets you create a digital inventory of your properties for insurance records.
EMIE Power Blade Review – Great Back-to-School or Work Portable
Review: the EMIE Power Blade is a thoughtfully designed portable battery charger which clips into a binder while also being able to recharge multiple devices.
Kids Like Minecraft? Do They Want To Learn To Code?
Looking for a week-long, day camp for Minecraft addicts that teaches coding as well? Check out Connected Camps "Online Summer of Minecraft"!
Tips for Cooking With Your Kids
A listing of cooking tips for parents who are hoping to get their children inspired to cook, bake or just help in the kitchen. This is a sponsored article.
A Backyard Conversation: Cord-Cutting Couldn’t Be Easier with Sling TV
How Sling TV enables the easy process of cord-cutting as explained to a neighbor. Touting the benefits of taking back TV #TakeBackTV
Johnsonville Sizzling Sausage Grill is a 1 Button Press to
Sponsored review of the Johnsonville Sizzling Sausage Grill - allows you to quickly & easily grill sausages, cooked to perfection, w/ even easier cleanup!
Slingbox 500 Review: Placeshifting TV the Way YOU Want To
Review of the Slingbox 500 which allows you to time & place shift your cable or satellite video content so you can view on the go from a tablet/smartphone.