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How To Easily Remove, Replace & Install an Apple iPhone
I have done quite a few installs and hardware replacements in my time, but never have I found an easier project than to replace the battery of an iPhone 4.…
How To Resolve Error 29 on the iPhone 3GS: Update
This past weekend, I tried to upgrade my old iPhone 3GS to the latest version of iOS (version 4.3). Unfortunately during the upgrade process, I ran into a "little" issue,…
WARNING: Do NOT Upgrade Your iPhone 3GS to a Newer
With all of the hype that the iPhone 4, iPad 2 and iOS 4.3 currently going on, you might have missed this news. I (and others) have encountered a rather…
How To Upgrade an iMac G5’s Hard Drive –
A few weeks ago, my daughter's (hand-me-down) 20" iMac G5 started acting up. It was showing the infamous "spinning beachball", was locking up, the fan was running a lot and…
Tracking: PowerBook 15″ Recalled Battery Replacements Defective?
I have been researching and starting to track an issue that has come to my attention regarding the replacement batteries that Powerbook G4 15" users received after the Replacement Program…