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How to Pitch Tech Writers & Influencers – Voices from
If you are a vendor or PR firm looking to get a tech writer, influencer or journalist to write about yoru product or service, read these tips!
10 Ways Brands Can Work More Effectively with Top-Tier Bloggers
Bloggers are not second class citizens. At least not all of them. I do have to draw a bit of a line here between those "bloggers" who simply post sales,…
Hey Brands & PR Agencies – Dads are Different than
When I started blogging about 5 years ago, I had no idea what direction it would take me, nor what type of success or lack there of it would have.…
Recall or “Stop Gap” Fix? My Thoughts on the Upcoming
Of course I want to jump into the speculation/rumor mill on what Apple will be talking about tomorrow (July 16, 2010) at a hastily called Press Conference around the iPhone…
Tivo, Remember that Customer Service is the New PR
This post was originally conceived as a rant but now I am writing it as a bit of constructive criticism and advice directed towards Tivo, as well as other companies…