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We Must Be Citizens of Humanity Before Citizen Journalists
Human-instigated tragedies around the world have made me realize we need to be citizens of humanity instead of citizen journalists.
Which Is Better? Teaching Kids Management or Sharing via “Unlimited”
The new "unlimited" data plans coming from mobile carriers might actually be a good teaching moment for parents - from sharing to management.
12 Ways the Apple Watch Helps You Be a More
12 ways that the Apple Watch helps parents be more efficient and better managing their kids' lives as well as their own.
Is K-12 the Appropriate Place to Teach Children about Copyright
I remember back in the 1980's (ok I'm dating myself) when my friends and I used to make mix-tapes and music compilations and shared them amongst ourselves. It was a…
“It Can Wait” – A Public Service Announcement Video from
Last month, I announced my participation in the "It Can Wait" campaign designed to promote awareness at how dangerous it is to text and drive. I honestly don't understand why…
Did You Miss Us? We’ve Been Licking Lemon Ant Butts!
Yep, we're baaaack! Have you ever tried to organize the lives of 5 busy dads who are dispersed across the country and time zones? The image of herding cats comes…
Social Media Policy for Families
Quite a few years ago, I came up with some Social Media Guidelines, primarily geared towards businesses. I realized I also seem to write a lot of tips and recommendations…
5 Reasons Why Social Media Might Actually Be Good for
WARNING: The repeated use of Social Media can be dangerous to your child's well-being. Should we have a Surgeon General’s warning label slapped onto each and every social media site…
Are You Ready For Some Football and the Next Episode
I simply love this time of year, that of the football playoffs and the biggest game of the year, the Super Bowl! While I don' t have that much time…