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We’re Baaaack! And Better Than Ever! “Movies, Meatloaf & Memes”
So, the digital dogs ate the last podcast that we did. Really! Those cyber-gremlins got the better of us. This time, however, we leashed those dogs and we captures all…
The Schizophrenia that is Netflix…er…Qwikster…uh…Netster…QwikFlix?
I have been a Netflix user for many many years. My account says 2007 but I actually started my service before that time, stopped and then restarted it. My family…
Thunderstorms, Earthquakes, Spies, Sports Channel for Kids & More on
In Cast of Dads episode #25 titled "The Russians Are Coming", we just couldn't stop talking. Our podcast is pretty loosely structured, frequently we have only 1-2 topics that we…
What Makes Men Cry & Other Things – “Crying &
Even though it seems that we took a week off from our regular podcast (really, we try our best to make these weekly), we were still able to pick up…
Cast of Dads: Podcast #9 – “Valentine’s Day” (Massacre?)
So it is pretty obvious to me that I'm not the only guy who struggles during the romantic times of Valentine's Day. For Episode #9 of Cast of Dads, we…
Review: Netflix Player – Get Dad Movies On Demand
I'm going to try something this week and write up some quick product reviews in case you are looking for something to buy your dad or husband for Father's Day.…