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And We’re Back! Thanksgiving Episode #54 of the Cast of
It seems like life got the better of us Cast of Dads. We have been on a bit of a hiatus as we get our crazy lives in order...well, who's…
BCS Bowl, Super Bowl, and a Deuce NOT in a
We almost dropped the deuce laughing during some of DaddyBrad's stories in this episode of Cast of Dads called "Deuce in the Dryer". It seems like we hit a low…
Norelco’s Mustache Trimmer & SensoTouch 3D Shaver “Shaves the Day”
For the month of November, I grew facial hair. I wasn't trying to make my wife upset nor prevent my kids from kissing me because I was too scruffy. It…
Getting Scruffy for Movember – “Real Men Will Grow a
We are halfway through November, I mean "Movember," and I've got this itchy feeling on my face, as do a few of the other dads on Cast of Dads. Why?…
Growing a Mustache in November for #Movember (Or in my
Facial hair has not really been my big thing. I have sported a goatee a while back and even a "soul patch" but I always ended up shaving it off…
Lice, Facial & Chest Hair, Rockets and Halloween – Cast
So I guess that CC Chapman finally hit puberty on this episode of Cast of Dads. We are not exactly sure what happened, whether it was the Skype "bugs" at…