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What Mac Should You Get? HighTechDad Apple 2021 Upgrade Recommendations
Confused about what Apple product to upgrade to? HighTechDad offers upgrade suggestions &recommendations on Mac, MacBook Pro, iMac, Apple Watch and AirPods.
7 Reasons Why (If You Have a USB-C MacBook Pro
If you have a new(er) MacBook Pro/Air that has two USB Type-C/Thuderbolt 3 ports, get rid of those dongles & get the HyperDrive PRO 8-in-2 hub. My review!
How to Prevent Frayed Wires on the MacBook with Juiceboxx
Have a MacBook, MacBook Air or MacBook Pro? Does it have a fraying power cord wire? It's dangerous but can be prevented with the Juiceboxx.
This Amazing Fix Will Get Your MacBook Air Charging Again!
I have an older MacBook Air and absolutely love it. It has performed flawlessly and is well used by me and my kids. However, I have had a lingering issue…
If Your Laptop is Jealous of your Ultrabook, Give it
I have an Ultrabook and a MacBook Air and my non-SSD traditional laptop is getting jealous. It told me that it wants to be more like them, faster booting up…
Video: How To Wrap a MacBook Air or MacBook Pro
I have been in search of a really good way to wrap up my MagSafe power adapter for both my MacBook Air and MacBook Pro. The reason being, if you…
R.I.P. Steve Jobs – Your Inspiration Lives On
When Steve Jobs spoke, people listened. When he innovated, markets changed. When he had an idea, it was perfect. And now when he quietly leaves this world, we remember his…
Moshi’s USB to Ethernet Adapter Makes the MacBook Air Even
As I write this post on my Apple MacBook Air, I really struggle to think of things that would make it better. It's pretty much a near-perfect laptop in my…
No Output Audio Devices Suddenly on your Apple MacBook, MacBook
How to fix audio issues on your Apple MacBook, MacBook Pro or MacBook Air. Several items to try to correct no audio problems.