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What Mac Should You Get? HighTechDad Apple 2021 Upgrade Recommendations
Confused about what Apple product to upgrade to? HighTechDad offers upgrade suggestions &recommendations on Mac, MacBook Pro, iMac, Apple Watch and AirPods.
How To Fix Almost Any Mac Software Problem Using these
This How To article walks through 4 critical techniques to resolve almost every macOS software problem using proven tactics. Tips can be used with PC's too.
7 Reasons Why (If You Have a USB-C MacBook Pro
If you have a new(er) MacBook Pro/Air that has two USB Type-C/Thuderbolt 3 ports, get rid of those dongles & get the HyperDrive PRO 8-in-2 hub. My review!
How To Set the Default Apps (Email, Browser, RSS) on
This how to article shows the EASIEST way to set the default application on a Mac for things like mail app (Outlook), browsers (Chrome, Safari, Firefox) & more!
How To Fix MacOS Sierra Beta Blank Screen & Crash
How to fix a MacBook Pro 15" Retina running MacOS Sierra (10.12) beta that has issues waking from sleeping - crashes or kernel panics or blanks screens.
How to Set Up & Sync your iTunes Playlist using
How to set up and sync your iTunes playlist to automatically copy between connected devices using the iCloud Music Library
How to (Maybe) Fix Yosemite Wi-Fi Issues
A listing of many solutions to try to fix Yosemite (OS X 10.10) Wi-Fi issues as well as issues with WiFi problems on other OS X versions
How to Fix: Apple Pro Video Formats Version 2.0.1 Looping
How to fix Apple Pro Video Formats Version 2.0.1 Looping & Repeating Update Prompts within the Mac App Store (MAS)
How To Fix Repeating Black Boxes in a Row in
How to fix repeating black boxes that appear in a row on Microsoft Word. What causes them and how to stop them from happening.