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Direct Download Links for Apple iOS 8 & Prep and
Apple's newest version of their operating system (Apple iOS 8) for iPhones and iPads is now available. There are a few ways that you can update. You can plug your…
Direct Download iOS 7 Final IPSW Links for Latest iPhone,
The day has finally arrived! Apple's latest mobile operating system, iOS 7, is now available. Most people can simply connect their iOS device to the latest version of iTunes (be…
How To Fix a Broken iPhone Home Button – A
Yesterday I received a panicked call from one of my daughters - "Daddy, my iPhone's home button is broken!" Tears and wailing ensued. But, as with any broken gadget, I…
Apple Posts iOS 6.1 Release – Here’s What’s New &
After releasing iOS 6.1 beta 5 to developers this past weekend, Apple released iOS 6.1 to the public today (Monday Jan 28, 2013). Updates can be obtained directly via your…
iOS Apps & Backups are Hogging Up Your Hard Drive
I don't know about you but I am always looking for ways to clear up my laptop's precious free hard drive space. I have tools that clean caches, temporary files,…
How To Fix Applications Crashing After Upgrading to Apple iOS5
The upgrade to Apple's iOS 5 is a few weeks behind us now and most people are up and running on it. And, now the iPhone 4S is out in…
iOS 5 Tip: How to Launch the New Built-in Dictionary
I keep uncovering lots of little surprises in Apple's new iOS 5 software released this week for the iPhone & iPad. Yesterday, it was the activation of the camera button…
iOS 5 Tip: How To Activate the Camera Button on
With iOS 5 for the iPhone launching yesterday, there are a flurry of new features that are coming to light. There has been plenty of coverage of these but I thought…
10 Ways to Use FaceTime with the iPad 2, iPhone
If you have a Mac, or an iPhone or now an iPad 2, you probably have heard of FaceTime. This is Apple's foray into video conferencing but with a heavy…