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IoT Confessions from the War Room – A Content Marketing
Part 2 of my corporate content writing example. Be sure to read the other articles for context. When writing corporate content, try different approaches, styles, and tactics. For this IoT…
IoT Confessions from the Boardroom – A Content Marketing Experiment
When writing corporate content, try different approaches, styles, and tactics. For this IoT solution article, I chose to write about IoT in the form of a TV script. This is…
Wink-ing Cree Connected Light Bulbs On and Off
The Cree Connected LED Light Bulb, in conjunction with the Wink Hub (or other IoT hub) allows you to save energy while also automating your home. Review of the Cree…
A Device to Secure ALL of your Connected Devices –
Internet of Things devices need security as do other devices within your home network. Bitdefender BOX has a new hardware approach to provide security.
Connecting your Garage Door to the Internet with Chamberlain
Review of the WiFi-enabled, 1-1/4 HP Chamberlain Garage Door opener (model #HD950WF) - controlled over the Internet.