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In Between Successes – The Career Pyramid
Many years ago, I heard a career counselor talking about the time between jobs. He said never to call them "jobs" but rather "successes." Using the word "success" to describe…
A Collection of My How-To Articles on GoGrid Cloud Computing
While I spend a lot of time writing articles for HighTechDad during the off hours and in my spare time, my day job as Technology Evangelist for the cloud infrastructure…
Agile Development & Big Data Management – Perfect for the
I’m a firm believer that cloud computing helps companies innovate. It provides resources, services and infrastructure at a fraction of the cost and in less time than it would with…
Cloud Computing in Cars? Extending Powerful Compute Cycles to your
I'm always "in the cloud" with my day job as Technology Evangelist for GoGrid, and all of the rest of the time, I'm working on the HighTechDad side of my…
“Peering Out at the Horizon – 7 Cloud Computing Predictions
I'm the Technology Evangelist for Cloud Computing provider GoGrid, and part of my end-of-year thought process is to reflect on past events as well as offer insight into what may…
Develop Locally & Publish into the Cloud with Microsoft WebMatrix
DISCLOSURE: I work at a Cloud Computing Infrastructure Service Provider (GoGrid) where I get to evaluate and talk about various solutions coming from our company as well as from our…
The Ever-Changing Weather of the “Clouds” – What is Cloud
I would think that by now, many of you would have heard the term "Cloud" used when talking about Internet "stuff." In passing, a common phrase thrown around is "it's…
10 Tips for StartUps to Survive the “Recession”
“Don’t Panic!†These are two words (made popular by Douglas Adams in The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy) that every day become more appropriate and valid. Credit has dried up…
HighTechDad Interview on GoGrid Cloud Servers
When I was at GigaOM's Structure '08 conference last month, I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Daniel Brusilovsky. For those of you who have never heard of Daniel,…