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Bluetooth Internet Sharing from Windows Mobile 6 to Mac OS
In the past, there were ways to share your cell phone's internet connection via Bluetooth on a Mac using the DUN profile on Windows Mobile 5 (sorry for the geek-speak).…
WordPress updates code to 2.2…and I follow
First post under WordPress 2.2. Did some rookie moves when I did the upgrade (thought I remember what I needed to do) and forgot to push the wp-includes directory. Here…
What Web 2.0 would have looked like 10 years ago
Microsoft has been including IE7 in all of the latest Critical Updates. It's getting harder and harder to avoid installing. At my work, we recently had to roll back some…
HTD Roundup: Snippets of Tech that I have been playing
It's been a while since my last post so I figured I would do yet another laundry list of things that I have been doing and technology I have been…
Issues installing Mac Security Update 2007-004
I guess I got lazy and did not follow my normal routine of backing up and repairing permissions PRIOR to installing software updates from Apple's auto updates. So, last night,…
Find your path through Wikipedia using Pathway
Okay Mac/Wikipedia users, this one is for you. Have you ever found yourself lost navigating through the incredible amount of links and cross links within Wikipedia? It's truly hard to…
NeoOffice 2.1 released – MS Office for Mac replacement
If you are tired of paying for Microsoft Office for Mac, you have had an alternative for some time, that of OpenOffice. The "problem" with OpenOffice is that you have…
Great MadTV piece – Fun with Apple, Steve Jobs and
A friend showed me this YouTube video and I must say that it is one of the more clever MadTV pieces I have ever seen! Fun with Apple, Steve Jobs…
Power add-on for Excel
If you are like me, Microsoft Excel is one of the primary applications that you use (probably mainly for tracking lists of things). As with most applications, most of us…