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100+ Voices Unhappy About Honda Clear Coat Paint Peel Defect
I normally don't like complaining about companies or their products. Sure, all things that we purchase have issues or will have problems over time. But when it comes to expensive…
iPhone 4 Scarcity – What AT&T Can Do To Help
It should be pretty obvious to those people who know me or read my social media updates that I really want an iPhone 4. I have had the original iPhone…
A Service Fee for Printed Statements? That’s Extortion!
Yesterday I received my wife's New York & Co credit card statement and I noticed a charge that caught my attention. It was for $1 and had "Processing Fee" for…
My Paint & Your Brand Are Eroding – An Open
Below is a letter to Honda Motors that has been a long time in the making. Please read it and share as you see fit. Thank you for reading! -HTD…
The DO’s and DON’Ts of Customer Service in a Social
How many times have you had a bad customer service experience? More than 50% of the time? I will bet that you think that it's much higher than that even.…
Twitter Threats and Negotiations
The Age of Twitter is upon us. All hail the all mighty and powerful Twitter! But also, the age of innocence is gone. There are spammers galore, people who are…
HTD Tech Tip #2 – Be nice to your IT
Being nice to someone should go without saying. So why is it that people seem to forget this when they need technology help? Is it that people consider Tech Support…
Tivo, Remember that Customer Service is the New PR
This post was originally conceived as a rant but now I am writing it as a bit of constructive criticism and advice directed towards Tivo, as well as other companies…