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IoT Confessions from the War Room – A Content Marketing
Part 2 of my corporate content writing example. Be sure to read the other articles for context. When writing corporate content, try different approaches, styles, and tactics. For this IoT…
IoT Confessions from the Boardroom – A Content Marketing Experiment
When writing corporate content, try different approaches, styles, and tactics. For this IoT solution article, I chose to write about IoT in the form of a TV script. This is…
Why You Should Write Long-Form Content & Blog Articles
This has always been a debate: which is better - long-form content or short-form content? My opinion is that long-form is better for story-telling. Other experts agree. And Google is…
How to Achieve “Millions” through Blogging – It’s Not What
Having been a blogger for over a decade, HighTechDad (Michael Sheehan) offers some business tips on achieving "millions" through blogging.
How to Promote Yourself & Raise Visibility: Stay Focused &
How to raise your visibility with companies and hiring managers by keeping your focus and learn how to tell a story to promote your personal brand.
Think Beyond Traditional Content to Make your Users Smile: the
As a content strategist or marketer, you need to think beyond traditional content to further your brand. Look to the bug fix list - make your users smile!.
Content Creation & Social Media Advice: Don’t Force It!
A word of advice for content creation & social media - don't force the process! Some tips to be more effective on content creation and social media strategy
The Chicken or the Egg – Content or Design
When (re)designing a website, should you focus on content or design first? Content typically drives design.
What is a Technology Evangelist?
I often get asked by friends, family, acquaintances and recently, companies that I’m interviewing with – what is a Technology Evangelist? While many within the technology space understand the position,…