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Ooma VoIP Adds Innovative Feature to Assist in 911 Notifications
Today, I learned that Ooma, a VoIP company who I recently reviewed, has added a pretty interesting feature to their telephony service. In the past, there has always been a…
iMovie & the iPad 2 = Fun Afternoon Creativity With
What do you get when you put together 2 kids, a dad, some stuffed animals, an iPad 2, iMovie and a bunch of pent up creativity? Well, I found out…
Hey Parents, Some Kids’ TV Shows are On Sale in
With the weather (hopefully) changing for the better (at least out where I live), being good parents, we are pretty much required to get our kids OUT of the house…
Woah! “Tiger Blood, Puke & Other Body Fluids” – Cast
Hope that our Cast of Dads podcast title grabbed you! Yeah, being a dad, we get to experience all types of fluids coming from our kids. That is just the…
PBS Kids Show “Design Squad Nation” Hopes to Bring Out
This past weekend, my 7 and 9 year old daughters and I were introduced to an interesting new show that is on PBS Kids called "Design Squad Nation". But we…
When Can You Have “THE Talk” with Your Kids? –
Wow, back-to-back Cast of Dads podcast posts! I guess we are slowly getting back into our groove. Episode #39, "Having THE Talk" was focused on pretty much one thing –…
The Cast of Dads Podcast is now a Feisty 1
Episode 37 was an important show for the Cast of Dads. It represented an anniversary, or perhaps more appropriately said, a birthday. As we are all dads in the podcast,…
Reversible FreakyPets Give Your Kids a Toy with “Split Personalities”
A stuffed animal frequently inspires creativity and imagination within children. Entire worlds can be unleashed with just a simple plush toy and a child's brain. All too frequently, toys are…
“For the Love of Thighs and Breasts” – Cast of
Well, the last episode had some gremlins doing a number with CC's voice. And there is actually now a "missing episode" of Cast of Dads that never even made it…