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What Has Happened to Continuity?
Was it something I said or did? Why aren't you talking to me any more? Did I not do everything you asked? No, I'm not talking about dating here, although,…
As a Blogger or Brand, Why is Continuity Important?
Having just completed my 7th year of blogging, I have learned quite a lot. What started for me as simply a way to both help people and provide insights on…
Expanding my Content Wings – Writing for Man of the
You may of noticed that there's been a slight slowdown in content on This isn't because I haven't been writing, quite to the contrary. It's actually because I've been…
Vacations, Teddy Bears, Breathalyzers and Pictographs – “Back From Vacation”
We took a week or so off to enjoy time with our families and get ready for the start of the school year. But once we all got back on…
How I Write a Blog Post. How Do YOU Do
Sure, this sounds like a very boring and subjective topic. I assure you, it really is. But I'm writing this on the odd chance that someone out there might find…
The Sony DigiDad Project
No, it's not about turning a bunch of dads into Skynet, cybernetic offspring. Nor are there going to be a new line of kids DigiPets that are modeled after fathers…
Today is Blog Action Day – October 15th
October 15th is supposedly Blog Action Day. What is that exactly? Well, from my understanding it is a day that is to highlight the power that is "blogging." For me,…
PC: Nice blogging software from Microsoft – Windows Live Writer
I'm writing this using Microsoft's latest beta of their blogging software called "Windows Live Writer". There are lots of ways to do blog posts out there, from using the built-in…
WordPress updates code to 2.2…and I follow
First post under WordPress 2.2. Did some rookie moves when I did the upgrade (thought I remember what I needed to do) and forgot to push the wp-includes directory. Here…