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Blog Optimization…it’s WAY too SLOW!
I use a couple of 3rd party monitoring sites including and to check to ensure my blog is up and running. Over the past few days, I have…
Anniversary: 2 years of Blogging!
I can't believe that I have been blogging for (only) two years. Tomorrow will be the 2 year anniversary of this incredibly information-filled post. I think that I have progressed…
Today is Blog Action Day – October 15th
October 15th is supposedly Blog Action Day. What is that exactly? Well, from my understanding it is a day that is to highlight the power that is "blogging." For me,…
Blog: TechDadBlog updated to WordPress 2.3 with some issues
I took the plunge and installed WordPress 2.3. For the most part, it was pretty straight forward. Do follow the standard upgrade instructions (including deactivating your plugins). I didn't do…
Blog: WordPress version 2.3 scheduled to be released Sept 24,
A fairly significant update to WordPress is slotted to be released today (09.24.07) with some interesting new features, including: Plugin Update Notification Tags! Improved Post and Draft Management Pending Review…
Blog: New tweaks to my WordPress Theme now live!
Well it has been a long night but a few beers later, I think that I have some things that I like. CSS has never been my strong point, nor…
Blog: New theme, new functionality, new bugs
I have just recently applied a new theme to my blog, trying to keep many of the color schemes from before but also trying to help readability. However, it is…
PC: Nice blogging software from Microsoft – Windows Live Writer
I'm writing this using Microsoft's latest beta of their blogging software called "Windows Live Writer". There are lots of ways to do blog posts out there, from using the built-in…
Concept: Spreading critical news viral-ly
Last week I had one of the "best" traffic days on my blog. Google Analytics shows a nice little blip: First, my blog is not one of those places where…