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Is Storage Trendy? Or Just Following a Technology Trend? Top
Ok, I know. Talking about storage solutions or what the top storage trends are is not exactly the #1 topic on people's minds. In fact, I would say that we…
15 Top Cloud Computing Use Cases
Cloud computing is established. And it has been proven by small and large businesses alike. Over the past 5 or so years, I have seen all types of companies adopting…
Agile Development & Big Data Management – Perfect for the
I’m a firm believer that cloud computing helps companies innovate. It provides resources, services and infrastructure at a fraction of the cost and in less time than it would with…
Using Cloud Computing to Test, Develop and Innovate
Are you using cloud computing yet? If so, that's great. If not, what is holding you back? Do you know enough about it? Do its capabilities confuse you? Have you…
Six 2012 Cloud Computing Predictions – Seeds in the Wind
Making predictions for Cloud Computing is like casting seeds into the wind to see what grows and what gets eaten by the birds. Sometimes something magical will sprout, and other…