You are viewing the “beta” category
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If you want something reviewed or written about, please get in touch with me!
An Apple “Beta” Is Exactly That, A Beta! (20+ Tips
If you are installing or planning to install Apple iOS & macOS beta software, you need to be prepared. Tips, tricks, and advice when installing these betas.
How To Fix MacOS Sierra Beta Blank Screen & Crash
How to fix a MacBook Pro 15" Retina running MacOS Sierra (10.12) beta that has issues waking from sleeping - crashes or kernel panics or blanks screens.
Microsoft Wants YOU to Test Out Office 2010 Beta on
A very cool program from Microsoft just came across my email and I thought that it was important to share with my readers. Essentially, with this program called the "Microsoft…
Tech News: Chrome Beta for Mac, Boxee in a D-Link
I just bought a burrito just so that I could hold it to warm my hands. Yes, it's still cold here in the Bay Area. But the Tech News is…
Fix It: Safari 4 Beta Crash on Startup – Plug-in
Today Apple released a beta version of Safari for both Macs and Pc's. I was very eager to try it out especially to see if it truly is "the world's…