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iPhone: Much Needed “Search” application added to 3rd Party Apps
I have been waiting for an application like this to be released and today it magically appeared in my "Recent Packages" directory on my Installer 3 iPhone App. The release…
iPhone: SummerBoard 3.0a11 released – works with 1.1.1 firmware
Just a quick note, SummerBoard has been updated to now work on iPhone 1.1.1 firmware. There are now two types of installers in AppTapp, one for pre 1.1.1 firmware, titled…
iPhone: AppTapp Installer 3.0b3 released
The NullRiver folks have released a new version of AppTapp Installer for the iPhone. I have just installed version 3.0b3 and I must say that it was a needed upgrade.…
iPhone: Experiences and Recommendations for Jailbreaking the 1.1.1 Firmware…not for
Update #2 on 10.15.07 @ 11:25 AM PST - iNdependence download link updated to 1.2.2. Note warning from developer. Update #1 on 10.13.07 @ 11:12 AM PST - new links…
iPhone: Rumor – iUnlock and AppInstaller incompatible
I received a report from a reader (Nick) that he is having issues with his AppInstaller after installing iUnlock. Essentially, he could not install and uninstall applications on his iPhone…
iPhone: Brief Reviews of ApolloIM, MobileChat, Summerboard, MobileTwitterific, Mines, iBlackjack,
It's nice that, for now, Apple seems to be "okay" with allowing third-party applications to be installed on the iPhone (although now there seems to be some backtracking by Apple…