If you haven’t heard of bias lighting for your HDTV, I highly recommend you install some. But do your research, not all bias lights are the same. In the end, you will be surprised and pleased with your upgraded viewing experience!
It’s important to understand first what bias lighting can do for your viewing experience. Then, if you decide that it is for you, you should really do some research to know what to look for in a good bias lighting solution. Stay away from colors. Look for a color temperature range of around 6500k and go for high color accuracy.
Luckily, the folks who produce The MediaLight 6500K have thought all of this out for you and have come up with a variety of easy to install and control bias lighting kits that will transform your HDTV into something even better. While their solutions are slightly more expensive than others available, theirs is designed for scientific accuracy. Once you make the switch, you will be surprised you lasted this long without it.