SHOP: Klear Cap

First, help save the globe by not using disposable, plastic water bottles. Then, help save your body from harmful germs, bacteria, and viruses by using a Klear Cap to clean your water bottle’s water using UV-C light. The Klear Cap claims to remove 99.99% of bacteria, germs, and viruses, and consequently the stinky smell you sometimes get when a reusable water bottle sits too long.

Read the full review on HighTechDad!


First, help save the globe by not using disposable, plastic water bottles. Then, help save your body from harmful germs, bacteria, and viruses by using a Klear Cap to clean your water bottle’s water using UV-C light. The Klear Cap claims to remove 99.99% of bacteria, germs, and viruses, and consequently the stinky smell you sometimes get when a reusable water bottle sits too long. While I have not done any scientific testing to back up these claims by Klear, I do know that water tasted good and there was no stinky smell to my water bottle after running the sanitizing process.

Using the Klear Cap is easy. Put in the water. Put on the Cap. Tap the button twice on the top to turn on the UV-C LED light. Move the water around for 2-3 minutes. That’s it. A fully-charged Klear Cap lasts about a month. At $50, it’s a bit pricy but if it truly does sanitize your reusable water bottles, it is worth it. Be sure that you have a water bottle that works with the Klear Cap’s size.