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Social Messaging Communicators: versus
While Twitter seems to be ruling the airwaves of Social Messaging Platforms, there are plenty of other services that do just as well (or better) at keeping in touch with…
I wish a WordPress Developer would make the following plugin
I'm not a developer, more of a tinkerer, looking at people's code and tweaking things. Never had an hour of coding schooling in my life but I can step through…
Transition from DD-WRT to Tomato on Linksys Router
I decided I was tired of waiting around for the next version of DD-WRT to come out (v24) which, as of this writing, was at RC7, I believe. I twittered…
DD-WRT + OpenVPN + LaCie Ethernet Disk Mini Home Edition
To write this all up would probably take way too much time. But for a while I have been trying to find the ultimate solution for listening to my iTunes…
Fix It: HemingwayEX without UltimateTagWarrior in WordPress 2.3
As mentioned in my previous post, in order to speed things up on my blog, I have removed the UTW (UltimateTagWarrior) plugins. Unfortunately, the theme that I use (and subsequently…
Blog Optimization…it’s WAY too SLOW!
I use a couple of 3rd party monitoring sites including and to check to ensure my blog is up and running. Over the past few days, I have…
iPhone: AppTapp Installer 3.0b3 released
The NullRiver folks have released a new version of AppTapp Installer for the iPhone. I have just installed version 3.0b3 and I must say that it was a needed upgrade.…
Today is Blog Action Day – October 15th
October 15th is supposedly Blog Action Day. What is that exactly? Well, from my understanding it is a day that is to highlight the power that is "blogging." For me,…
Blog Fix: Twitter Tools plugin and WordPress 2.3
I'm going through and reviewing my site after updating it to WordPress 2.3 and it looks like there are still some hidden "issues" stemming from the migration to the new…