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How to Turn Off Facebook’s Auto-Play Videos & Save Data
If you are anything like me, you watch your cell phone's data consumption very closely. And given that I have 4 other people on my family shared plan (3 of…
Evolving & Revolving the iPad’s Usefulness – iGear iPad Flip
We all know how useful Apple's iPad Air is. It's great at work, in the home and on the go. So is it possible to extend the iPad's utilitarian and…
Less “Stranger Danger” – Kik Messenger Updates App Over Privacy
Back in mid-2012, I wrote an article about the "dangerous" combination of Kik Messenger and Instagram. The article turned out to be quite popular (and controversial) in a few ways.…
A Simple Search Can Get You Rewards…Bing Rewards
How many times do you do an Internet search a day? Once? Ten times? Fifty? I probably am more in the higher end of this number count. With the luxury…
Want to Dump your Smartphone Bill? Review of Scratch Wireless
Many people have smartphones and even more have cellular phones, but most of us are locked into lengthy contracts in order to get data and voice services. A relatively new…
iGear Unlimited Flip Turn Case & Keyboard: Make your iPad
I always recommend getting a case for your tablet or smartphone. It's important to protect your investment. Sometimes, however, a case can go beyond providing simple protection, it can give…
How To Use the eBay Simple Flow Interface to Easily
One of the big problems about being addicted to gadgets and consumer electronic devices is that you always want the latest and greatest "bright & shiny" device. When that desire…
When is a Tablet Not a Tablet? When It’s A
I have had my fair share of experience with a variety of tablets ranging from iPads to Samsung 10.1 tablets to a Sony and even a Blackberry Playbook. It seems…
Watch Out SnapChat Users! SnapHack App Can Now View &
SnapChat has always, in my opinion, been a controversial app. It has a very simple model, you can take pictures and photos and send them to friends and these multimedia…