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An Apple “Beta” Is Exactly That, A Beta! (20+ Tips
If you are installing or planning to install Apple iOS & macOS beta software, you need to be prepared. Tips, tricks, and advice when installing these betas.
Which Is Better? Teaching Kids Management or Sharing via “Unlimited”
The new "unlimited" data plans coming from mobile carriers might actually be a good teaching moment for parents - from sharing to management.
UPDATED Review of Leaf Phone Case w/ Battery – Potential
Review of the Leaf Phone Case for the iPhone 7 and 7 Plus including an interview with the founders. Case offer protection & lightning cable connectivity.
HighTechDad’s 2016 Tech & Gadget Holiday Gift Guide
Looking for gadgets & gizmos for the holidays? The HighTechDad 2106 Tech & Gadget Holiday Gift Guide is available to help you find that perfect gift!
True Wire-Cutting: Qi Enables Cordless Charging Solutions
Qi is a wireless charging standard by the Wireless Power Consortium. Learn how Qi integrates into a lifestyle with a variety of wireless charging options.
Pitaka Aramid iPhone 7 Case – Lightweight, Strong & Better
Review of the Pitaka Aramid iPhone 7 case which is lightweight, strong and nicely designed. It's made out of ballistic material to provide extra durability.
The iPhone 7 Plus Is All About Nuance
Apple’s latest flagship iPhone, the iPhone 7 Plus, is about nuance. Subtle & not-so-subtle design changes make it a powerful upgrade, but not for everyone.
Parents & Kids – Set Up Emergency Bypass on your
For parents & kids, it's critical to be able to connect via calls or texting. Setting up Emergency Bypass on iOS10 lets you get around "do not disturb."
Want those New Snazzy iOS 10 iMessage Backgrounds & Effects?
If you want those exciting and snazzy iMessage backgrounds and effects, you need to make sure you have one setting disabled. Here is how to do it.