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That “Nagging” Voice – Getting Directions (#LoseTheLaptop)
Men refuse to ask for directions. Perhaps it is an "independence" thing or has something to do with pride. Women, on the other hand, insist on the careful organization and…
Renaming Cast of Dads Podcast #15 to the “iPadcast of
The Cast of Dads recorded podcast #15 ("iPad, Kindles & VCRs – Oh My!") the day the iPad was available to purchase. Only one of us (CC) actually had one…
What Do You Take When You Travel? – #LoseTheLaptop
So you have packed your bags, they are in the cargo hold, and you are 30,000 feet over the glistening ocean, and you start thinking...did I pack the [fill in…
Who Has Time to Travel Anyway? – Lose the Laptop!
Travel? Who has the time or money to travel nowadays! Sure I travel...a lot! From the bed, to the shower, out the door, to the car, to the train, on…
SchlageLINK Gives You Security & Access, Even When You Aren’t
Keys are a pain! I have so many keys on my keychain that I feel like a locksmith and I'm not even sure what keys go to what lock. But…
“Tracking, Texting & Texas” with Cast of Dads Podcast –
It’s seems like we at Cast of Dads are always talking about social media and parenting and how at times they are mutually exclusive. Part of my day job is…
The HTC HD2 is THE Windows Mobile Phone to Get!
Did that title grab you? It is perhaps a bit misleading simply because I have only tested a handful of Windows 6.5 Mobile phones to date. Most of my focus…
The Dexim BluePack S3 & S8 – A Portable Battery
I've reviewed quite a few battery packs lately. It seems that this is the hot market currently just the way iPod cases were to iPods a few years ago. You…
How Can Such a Small Speaker Boom so HUGE? Reviewing
When I first hooked up the iLive IT319B 3.1 Channel Home Music System, plugged in my iPod and turned up the volume a bit, I was literally floored at how…